Heat: Relation

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"...This ain't nothin to relate to,
Even if you tried..."

Chresanto August

I was sitting at home in my den, thinking about my life. I was listening to pandora and right now every song made me feel so bad. The one good thing I have and I go and fuck it up, No pun intended. I have to go see Louise soon and I don't know what I'm gonna say to her. Should i just come out and say 'I cheated on you with the temp thats replacing you and I kept doing it because her pussy was so good. But it wasn't better than yours, baby' Somehow I don't think she'll be okay with that. Oh god, I don't even know if she still blames me for her accident and now I have to tell her I cheated. I leaned forward with my head in my hands. Why the fuck did I do it? Ugh, I hate myself so much right now. I heard my phone vibrate and I answered it without checking the ID.
Bad Decision.

"Hi Baby! I've been trying to contact you all day!" She said happily.
"Hi Loui" I said smiling. It's nice to hear that she's in good spirits.
"I got some really good news for you but I think you should come down here so I can tell you face to face."
"Alright. I'll be there soon."
"Bye, Chresanto." She said lovingly. It was obvious she was smiling.
"Bye, Louise"

I threw on my black Adidas sweat pants and a black V-neck short sleeved shirt. I stood in the mirror and sighed.
"This is it."

Rayan Lopez

"Bye, Chresanto" she smiled brightly. She then hung up her phone, looking down in her lap smiling to herself. I could tell her feelings were really serious for him and this baby probably made them alot stronger. I don't know how she's gonna react to when he tells her thats he's been cheating ever since she got in the hospital. I just don't understand how these niggas get everything they could ever want in a woman, and go a throw it away with some cheap bitch in a tight skirt. Don't get me wrong, Diamon is gorgeous, but a female that open to fucking new people, and on a daily basis at that, is not attractive in the slightest bit. Louise, even though I do have to admit she did kinda jump the gun with Chresanto, Is a beautiful and sophisticated woman. She tries to see the bright side in most situations and has the body of any mans dreams. I would be lying if she wasn't in any of mine.
"Ray? Are you alright? You kinda spaced out on me there..." She giggled grasping my attention. I was thinking about a dream when she was in my lap-. "Im fine, I'll be right back." I said standing up and walking towards the door. I was hoping she didn't see my hard on and as I walked out the door I fixed myself and continued down the hallway. When I turned the corner I caught a glimpse of Chresanto. We shared looks for a moment but I looked away, aware of what he was about to do. I wish I could say that I wish him luck, but I really don't. At all.

Louise Carlile

I was kinda confused as to why Ray just ran outa here but I didn't dwell on it too long. Soon after Ray walked out, Chresanto walked in, his cheeks slightly reddened.
"Hey, it's the blushing beauty!" I laughed. He smiled bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. "Louise, Baby... I gotta tell you something." He said sitting in the chair. "I gotta tell you something, too." I said more brightly than he did. "Let me go first." He said nervously. I don't get why he was so nervous, but I guess I'm about to find out. "Okay" I said trying to smile, but failing as I sat up straight in my hospital bed, getting nervous from his body language.
"I don't really know how to say this..." He said, more to himself than to me. He stood up abruptly and began pacing at the foot of my bed. "Come on, you gotta take the consequences like a man..." He grumbled lowly to himself. He stopped pacing and faced me.

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