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"There she is!"

"Run ya idiot!"

"I'm not afraid!"

"You peed yourself the last time she talked to you!"

"Shush that didn't happen and we will not talk about it!"

The blonde beauty ignored everyone as she strutted down the corridor like she owned the place. She flipped her straight blonde hair over shoulder, her light, crystal blue eyes silently glaring at everyone.

"Hey baby." Kendra paused, raising an elegant eyebrow at the boy in front of her. It was her latest boyfriend, Kevin Reed.

Kevin was rather hot. His blonde hair clashes with his pale, muscular skin. His green eyes stood out against his well chiselled face. His mouth was slightly big but looked as soft as a feather. His jaw was clenched giving him the look of a bad boy. Fitting for Bad girl Kendra.

"Hey~" she spoke, her voice soft but icy as she strolled to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and swaying lazily around him. She leaned in and whispered into his ear, "Your looking hot today babe."

Kevin smirked also wrapping his arms around his waist, pulling her tight against his muscular chest. "I know but your not looking so bad yourself."

Kendra gave him a 'duh' look as she flipped her hair again. "So, kevy where are you taking me on our second date?" She pressed her body into his, not caring that they were in public. People knew not look.

"I was thinking arcade, some pizza and a little fun at my house?" Kevin wagged his eyebrows at the girl.

Kendra was silent, she glared at the ground with a sinister hatred. "You know I don't like that kind of stuff Kevin." Kevin nodded with a gulp.

"Instead, how about you take me to that fancy restaurant in the city, then take me to see the stars and then we can go to your house for some fun," she whispered, trailing her tanned fingers down his muscular chest.

Her hand paused at his belt and in one swift movement, grabbed his balls in a death grip. He squealed in pain, letting out grunts and moans of pain as she painfully twisted it.


Kevin nodded painfully, you just don't touch a guys balls when you plan to hurt them.

Kendra tightened her grip, her eyes narrowing into small, cat like slits.

"Answer me..." she whispered quietly into his ear. Surprisingly not many people noticed what she was doing as she had her body pressed up against him tightly.

"S-sounds great..." he bit his lip before sighing in relief as she let go. "Good, see you tomorrow night at 7:00, wear something nice."

He nodded fiercely as he scurried away, wondering just how he was going to afford that restaurant. And just how he would recover his manly pride. She wasn't done talking to him but she honestly couldn't care about chasing him down. He wasn't really worth her time.

A shrill ringing noise echoed from many parts of the corridor, signalling it was time to go to class.

She leaned against the locker calmly as she watched everyone rush to get their bags and go to class. During the rush, she spotted a new sight.

A boy with straight black hair that hung loosely behind his ears, not reaching his shoulders. She couldn't tell his eye colour but she could tell that he was ghostly pale. His hands was stuffed in his worn out black hoodie.

He was walking towards her and for a moment she thought the newbie was going to talk to her but instead he continued to walk past her. 

He kept his head down low and she could see his hands fidgeting in his pockets. He was even walking awkwardly, a mixture of shuffling and speed walking, making him look quiet strange.

Kendra smirked seeing an opportunity. Just as he passed by her, she stuck her leg out in front of him, clearly trying to trip him.

He realises to late and he tripped, falling to the ground with a hard bang.

"Hahahaha, better learn to watch where you're going newbie!" Just as she turned around, she caught his eye.

A dark, nightly blue, reminding her of the dark sky and beautiful ocean. His eyes seemed to break into different colours of dark blue, like ripples in water. The eyes had a light shine to them as well, making him look innocent and adorable.

Kendra almost paused in shock, his eyes stitched into her memory for her to forever remember.

She mentally shook her head, she smirked at him, "nice eyes, innocent." He blinked at her in confusion and a bit of anger but didn't have time to answer as she strutted away from him.

He shook his head, using the lockers to pull him off the floor, "Yay, first bloody asshole of the day." He muttered darkly as he went back to hunting for his classroom.

"Stupid, bum."

Tell me if I should continue this cause I don't know if I should...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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