Dear world

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Dear world,

I always fuck up people lives, always find away to make things worse when all I try to do is fix things.

Everyone I try to love, cheats on me or I hurt them. So I dont eat to try to look better so they'll stay.

I do what they want so they wont leave me all alone for the darkness to consume whats left of my soul.

I surround myself around people who will hurt me so that Im not alone.

I put up a front afraid that if Im not perfect everyone will see behind my act and hate me.

I get straight A's so that my mother will love me, I do everything without fail so that she wont leave me.

I lie so that they'll care, when people say they love me I put on a smile and say "Im sorry, im not ready I have to focas on school..I'll glady be your freind still" so that they dont get close enough to see the darkness thats breaking me.

I try to be better everday but the weight of the world is to much for my little shoulders.

So I ask the world  "What did I do wrong to sprill into this?"

Love, Emptyness

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