Assignment 11

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Goshhhh 😳 long time , I been busy asf 🙈 but I'm back .

Reread the last chapters to catch up but here ya go 😜😘



Soooo I'm backkkk 😂 . Me and Chrishelle been rocking perfect , I love her . She's so sweet and perfect . She's caring as ever ! Amanda gives me hella dirty looks but it's whatever . Let me start writing 😐

June 12 , 2014

Today's assignment 😌

Write a letter to your past self ✌️

Amanda 😈

Dear past self ,

How much I wanna kill you 😕 is unexplainable . I blame you for how much pain you've caused me .

I miss Chrishelle so much I barely eat , I'm sick to my stomach . I cry everyday , all though Lashay has been by my side . I love her for that . She's a beautiful person inside and out .


I don't speak much haha cause I'm the youngest but you'll hear more from me , I don't know much but Amanda is mad cute 😉 .

Dear past me , Damnnn Mama , You done came a long way . Remember the bitches and bitch niggas who made fun of Me ? 😂😩 tell me why they kissing my ass now 😴 . You was so shy and nice and died to have friends . You did anything to make anyone happy 💯 . Thats the past and I aint going back there 😩


Mystical is fucking perfect man . I love her beautiful face , and she has An amazing personality , but sometimes I catch myself missing Amanda , I'm thinking I should text her considering we live in the same place but oh well . Matter fact I'll text her now ...

Chrishelle : hey Mandy , we don't speak but I thought about you and thought I should write/text you . You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, 'I don't care how hard this is, I don't care how disappointed I am, I'm not going to let this get the best of me. I'm moving on with my life. Ive moved on and you should to , I hope I haven't put a dent on your life or hurt you much , I want you to know that I forgive you , I want to be your bestfriend again , I want to be cool with you , I miss your jokes and yes I'm with and I love mystical I hope that doesn't make you feel anyway , well I hope you respond and if it changes anything

I love you 😘😕✌️

Amanda : OMG , you don't know how much it means to me for me to recieve a text from you , i am so sorry I hurt you , I don't know what to do , I cry and regret it everyday , I'm glad you forgive me .Im not supposed to love you. I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do. I'm sorry I cant help myself because I'm in love with you. I love you and I would love to be your bestfriend , come to my room😉

Chrishelle : Amanda , thank you 😘 and let me get dressed mystical went shopping with Amalyn .

Amanda : Kay 😘


Chrishelle : hey babe , me and Amanda are cool now so I'm going to chill at her room .

Mystical : ok cool be careful .

Chrishelle : love you 😘

Mystical : love you more 👏


Mall ✌️

"Amalyn WTF 😳 I THOUGHT YOU WERE STRAIGHT " I whisper yelled .

"I'm sorry mystical , I don't know ... I just got caught up , I didn't mean to kiss you . "

I walked away trying to figure out how I would explain to Chrishelle this bs 😳


Amanda's room

"I'm so glad you even came " Amanda said

"Me to baby ". Chrishelle said

As I kissed and left hickeys all over her body

"WAIT STOP" Chrishelle said , I'm inlove with mystical

"She dont gotta know " Amanda said



Part 2 Coming Soon







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