Before Reading

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Before reading, I want to put out clear warnings for this book.

In This Book There Will Be:

- Abuse

- Drugs and alcohol 

- fighting

- strong language 

- suicide


Please do not read this if you are sensitive to any of the things listed above. This will be the ONLY warning I put out, so please again, do NOT read it if you are sensitive to the things above. This story has a lot of suicide in it so, If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts and need someone to talk to, please visit the link below to find the help hotline for your country.


For people living in the US or Canada, Here is a link for more hotlines like Abuse, drugs, alcohol, Etc.


Please remember to speak up and don't let your pain manifest. You are worthy of everything this world has to offer and deserve all the love and care possible. If you do not feel comfortable with talking or texting through a hotline, you can always message me. 

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