finding out who imprinted

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Ok so know i started to think about who could of imprinted on me like qhat if it qas jacob or something like that noo jacob would never imprint on me so the only person that i can thank of that liked me qas paul thats when i got up and got in my car and drive to la push.

At la push
Ok so here i am at la push at jacobs cause i knew thats where paul was so i went in side and yelled Paul get down here right now or im coming up there and draging you down here thats when paul can runing and stoped in front of me with a big smile on his face thats when i asked him did you inprint on me and tell me the truth thats when he said i dont know what your talking about thats when i said so you dont know what im talking about so what would you do if i left and never came back to la push that when it all came out he yelled ok i imprinted on you Arica ok there are you happy know i told you the truth now do you except my imprint or no that when i said of course i do ive liked you for so long now paul

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