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Don't ever look to the sun
He will burn your eyes with the fire of his light
And never pray in the house of eternal sight
Where the spirit goes to die
So now we stand up and again we cry for the passion of his name
It's where we love, where we hate
It's the price we pay when our love is out of timeWhere is the spark that won't fade away?
And where is the queen to my king of pain?Say my name, never leave your side, I will be your shadow in the night
Love and fear cannot win the fight
Even with the an army behind your life
So don't walk away, I'll keep you safe, forget promises that we made
Say my name, never leave your side, I will be your shadow here tonightWhen we find what we need from these broken hearts
And what was missing from the start
Speak the words of a God that refuse to lie
To a believer then won't try
I want to give up as my vision fades
I'm left alone and now I'm blind
Don't let me go to the desert that I left behind
With the ashes of a fate that diedWhere is the spark that won't fade away?
And where is the queen to my king of pain?Say my name, never leave your side, I will be your shadow in the night
Love and fear cannot win the fight
Even with the an army behind your life
So don't walk away, I'll keep you safe, forget promises that we made
Say my name, never leave your side, I will be your shadow here tonightI cannot see what's become of life
It's all just passing by
I cannot see what's become of life
It's all just passing by, yeahSay my name, never leave your side, I will be your shadow in the night
Love and fear cannot win the fight
Even with the an army behind your life
So don't walk away, I'll keep you safe, forget promises that we made
Say my name, never leave your side, I will be your shadow here tonight

-Black Veil Brides, The Vale
The sunflowers burnt by the heat of the day and blackened with rot and mold, left to lay in the street, to be run over by cars and passers by. Never to be given to a smiling girl. A waste.

Andy ran until his lungs gave out and his voice caught in his throat. He ran until he couldn't run no more, till his knees buckled under his weight.

That night after calling person after person, Andy removed his shoes to find his feet raw and bloody, covered in blisters. He would have a limp for weeks.

After the incident at the mall, witnesses to the kidnapping called the police and gave statements, but unsurprisingly not one person could agree on the same story and the police where coming up empty to what had happened and how it happened.

But all of them could agree on one thing, that Florence or as they described her as, "the red headed girl was violently dragged into a panel van kicking and screaming", "before the van speed off quickly down the road... a man running behind". But of coarse that was Andy trying his best not to lose her again. Not one person out the hundred that where walking around the mall that day got a good look at the number plate or the faces of the abductors. Of coarse they had there faces covered. Why wouldn't they? They used crude black bandanas pulled right up to there eyes to hide there faces. The police and Andy himself where left clueless as to what to do next.


Andy's Pov:

Smells are something that you never reall forget. And believe me, I've tried to forget this one. The thick smell or bleach and ground coffee was just some of the smells I couldnt stand. All my senses had been on high alert ever since. The smell swirled and filled the room, thick as the dark brew which was it's source. The floors must have been recently cleaned possibly because of a disordily brawl the night before which made a bloddy mess that had to be cleaned. Whatever the reason, the bleach made my eyes water. It was noisy, far to noisy for 6 in the morning on a monday, phones shrilled, people yelled, talked and from somehwere muffled even screamed. Police stations where supprisingly busy places. Very harsh on the senses. And one of my least favourite places.

Uniformed officers marched around moving people in cuffs or talking to other officers and some even carried the terrible smelling black coffee. Probably in attempt to stay awake through to an overnight shift in a week attempt to help with focus.

The police had no new leads , nothing. And to make things worse, it didn't seem like they even wanted to find her. Like the paper work was more trouble than looking for one girl was worth. I tried to push them with what little public influence I had. I even asked my many social media followers on a search for Florence, an internet APB of sorts. But no one had seen, heard or found any clues of Florence's whereabouts or who took her.

There was only one acceptable answer to why Florence was abducted, Jax. He had to have something to do with it all. Either that or it was someone who wanted to get revenge on me or the band. But it doesn't make sense, why Florence and not me?

The receptionist across from me in the lobby of the police station suddenly barks something in my direction which pulls me out of my internal conflict.

"Kid, can I help you?!" the African American woman yells over the noise of the station.

I jump to my feet and in two large strides am at her coffee stained cluttered desk.

"Ah yes you can help me, I was wondering if I could speak to Sergeant Collins about the abduction of Florence.." I said with as much urgency that I could muster into my voice.

"Just a second" the receptionist said picking up the landline next to her and quickly punching a number into the phone with her extremely long bedazzled nails.

"Sergeant Collins I have a mister, ah"

"Andy Biersack" I quickly say.

"I have a mister Andy Biersack here to see you."

"ahuh sure sir, no problem" the receptionist sets the phone down hard back in its original resting place.

"So Sergeant Collins will see you, just head through the door to your left." she says jabbing one of her long nails in the direction of a door to the side of the desk.

Rushed, I push through the door, and a tall intimidation Sergeant Collins is standing on the other side.

"Andy, how have you been lad." He says relaxing his domineering posture and throws and arm over my shoulders.

"Honestly... I haven't been so good. " I say as the Sergeant drops his arm and I follow him to his office.

"Has there been any news? Have you found and evidence of her whereabouts yet?" I ask desperately.

"We haven't found her yet, but we where able to pull surveillance footage from a camera we didn't know was at the mall and have a match on the number plate." The Sergeant says hopefully.

"So your going to find her soon?"

"Look son, the van was stolen and registered to completely random person. I've had a hit on the Van and the number plate since we retrieved the footage and have come up with nothing. So far its not looking good, with no real leads there's not much we can do here. " He says sadly.

"So that's it, you're giving up?" I say getting angry.

"The investigation is still open, but I'm sorry we have no new leads.."

Before I realise what I'm doing I've stood up out of the chair, stormed out of the Sergeants office and towards the lobby. I nearly walk into the automatic door to the station in my rush.

I light a cigarette as I rush to my car and looking down I don't see her at first.

I look up, and leaning there hidden in a huge fur leopard print coat, knee high black latex boots and glossy ruby red lipstick to make sure she stood out. A wild smirk so venomous was planted on her face which, strangely enough, I once thought was beautiful. I nearly gag, its Juliet. My ex.

What in the world could she want...



So that's the first little taste of the sequel

I'm not sure if I'll continue writing in the future but I'll attempt to finish this book for my readers :) Although I'm not sure when this will be, patience guys.

Much love, Earthdream_42

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The King of Pain. ('Done for you' sequel- Andy Beirsack Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now