Art Class

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The next day a new student came into class, my art class. It was a boy. He was kinda cute...

¨Oh my god he is sitting next to me¨

?:              Hi my name is Cole, Cole Benson

Hollow: Oh, hey! My name is Hollow

¨Am I actually talking to him¨

Cole:       I was hoping you can show me around during Lunch

Hollow: Sure...

During P-E Hollow went to do a mural

Ash:        Hey...Hollow, right?

Hollow: Yes...Ash

Ash:        So what are you doing at lunch? cuz I was hoping you can sit with us

¨us? who?¨

Hollow finished the mural

Hollow: I have to show a student around, he is new to the school

Ash:        Oh, well who knew you were so nice, ¨Ms.Nice Girl

Hollow blushes and giggles

Hollow: Hey!

Ash splashes paint on her with a paint brush

Hollow: Oh no you did not!

Ash:        What if I did!

A paint war went between them

Ash and Hollow kissed

Then the bell rang...

Hollow walked the halls in cheer on her way to English class

Ash in shock but he smiled after and went to Math class...

Lunch was in a few hours....

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