Chapter.1 Scary Nightmare

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In the dark there was a girl lost in the woods, and the name of that girl is Julie. "Grrrrrrr Ahhhhhhh!" Says a mysterious creature. "The hell was that!" Julie screamed. "Oh Julie there you are!" Kerry shouted excitedly. "OH MY GOD KERRY YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!" screamed Julie. "Well sorry you're such a chicken!" Kerry laughed. "Hehehehehehehe...." Mysterious creature. " What was that?" Kerry said in horror. "I don't know but it is driving me crazy." Julie groaned " Oh hey guys um.....why are you so far into the woods your mother is worried Julie?!" Mikaela asked. " I was trying to pick berries....." Julie said nervously. "REALLY?! LATE AT NIGHT ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Mikaela shouted. "C'mon let's go back inside it is scary out here." Kerry said terrified.

They all went back to the house and they heard the scary noise again and ran straight inside. "Julie! Where were you!? You got me worried sick!" Mrs. Zolotar said. "I was getting some berries....." Julie laughed nervousl. "Mhm whatever you say" Mrs. Zolotar said curiously.  "I'm serious i was trying to get some berries but i got lost, plus it's scary i heard scary noises!!" Julie shaked. "You're hearing things again do you need to go to a therapist????!!!!!!" Mrs. Zolotar

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