Those Awkard moments #1-100

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1: That awkward moment when your mom walks in at bad time during a video.

2: That awkward moment when your talking to someone and you really want to talk to them but don't know what to say.

3: That awkward moment when your crush ask you about your friend.

4: That awkward moment when you talk out loud to yourself during class and everyone is staring at you.

5: That awkward moment when you prank call someone and ends up being some one you know.

6: That awkward moment when your dancing in your room and forget that your window is open.

7: That awkward moment when you get so scared you pee yourself.

8: That awkward moment when you think someone is waving at you/ going to hug you and they're looking at someone else.

9: That awkward moment when your friends ask you how you think you did on a test and you tell them you think you did great but you see you failed and they ask what you get and you just like what test.

10: That awkward moment when you talked to your crush and you go squealing to ya friends but forget he still standing there.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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