chapter eighteen

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the concert was tonight and grace found herself staring at her reflection with a wide grin. she was wearing a pair of black ripped jeans and a bts hoodie. she looked like such a fangirl. it had been a full day since jimin had confessed his feelings and surprisingly it wasn't very awkward. when they got to the hotel from the beach they hung out with everyone for a while. they had just been watching tv and eating snacks.

grace had been trying not to look at jimin because he was watching her and it would just be awkward if they made eye contact. they just went to sleep afterwards and the next day it was all back to normal.

grace didn't really know how to feel. she wanted to feel a certain way but she didn't know if it would be a good idea. when the words had left his mouth yesterday she was surprised. she hadn't really expected him to like her. he is a freaking celebrity and she is just a normal girl. she thought friends would be all they would ever be or could be. she obviously liked him back but what would that mean for him and the other guys. it would not be easy for either of them to be in a relationship while he is touring the world and she is stuck with college.

so now she sat on the edge of the bed her face buried in her hands. why did he just have to make things difficult? dating someone famous didn't seem easy. it would be tough. especially with the armys who would go crazy.

her phone buzzed, snapping her out of her thoughts. it was a text message from jimin.

jimin: are you on your way?

she quickly responds as she stands up and leaves the room. she has her concert ticket in one hand as she gets in to the cab and directs the man on her destination.

to say that it was a crazy experience would be a great understatement. there were tons of fans in the area, all screaming and waiting for bts to come on stage. she was in the front row patiently waiting. there were screams all around her so she looked up and saw that the guys were standing there getting ready to perform.

they started off by performing their newest album. sanding in the crowd grace really noticed just how different they were while performing. they looked like different people. their dancing was even better than in their studio and their whole act was very put together.

her attention was mostly on jimin. she noticed how his eyes seemed to darken and his facial expressions hardened. he didn't smile innocently but mischievously. he ran a hand through his blond hair removing it from the sweat in his forehead. he seemed to move his body harsher at the beat of the song.

grace cheered with the fans and sang along

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

grace cheered with the fans and sang along. she was happy to see them perform. she knew they worked hard and she was seeing it all pay off. she couldn't help but feel special because she was included in their lives. she saw as their career grew and just how they got to where they are. they deserved this and more. for the amount of work they put into their career they should have the whole world admiring them.

the love i give to you || pjmTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang