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        "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you." Nobody shows up, to her grave. Only him. "Happy birthday to Taylor."  Standing alone he lifts the bottle to his mouth. The glass glistening under a afternoon sun. The bottles is tilted until it's empty. Then he sits, his body slumped over. His eyes then roll to the back of his head, and he's out. 

          "Sam, wake up." A pale hand shakes his shoulder. "Sammy wake up." Sam Johnson opens his eyes. The world around him is dark. The world around them. There she is, kneeling right next to him. So close even in the dark he could see the tears in her eyes. Dripping down her cheeks, leaving trails of wet. He chokes out, "Taylor." She isn't the only one crying. 

    His mind is dazed, swirling with clouds of shock. His mind is empty; a /click/ as he searches her face, looking for words.

/         /    

      Instead he reaches his arms around her, and cries. Once the first tear reached the skin below his eyes, the rest followed an endless stream of misery. Sam was left on all fours claimed by pain. Taylor sat still but her face said it all. What had happened?

       "You died Tay. You left me. I loved you so..." He pauses choking on his words.  With a firm grip she lifts his chin, "I'm here, it's okay." Pulling him closer she whispers, "I love you too." Unsure of the time they had together, they held each other. 

      First, they bought a disposable camera. Hand in hand, they walked to the nearest park. Each claiming a swing. 2 feet away seemed to hard. So he pushed her, with his hand on her lower back. Feeling her skin, feeling her alive.  It was a true miracle. And the pictures, neither would forgot this moment. The moon was their guide through the night. They laugh and spin until their vision blurs, then they collapse in the grass.  When Taylor feels she can walk, she pulls Sam up and down the street. At a 24 hour coffee stand each of them order a hot drink. The young couple finds themselves lost in a conversation about the past, the future and the present. 
       They end up on the beach. "I don't want to lose you." Sams eyes fill with grief and pain. Immediately softening, Taylor leans in closer. "You won't lose me." He leans back shaking his head  in disbelief, "You died Tay! Don't you get it. Your dead and it kills me. I can't ju-" Taylor presses her lips to his, cutting off  his rambling and pulling away. With a determined shine in her eye, she does it again. And again. And again.
    They rest in a comforting silence until the sun rises. Then shes gone. Leaving behind the love of her life and a disposable camera. But he was happy regardless. Because if you love something set it free, and if it came back   it was yours. And she came back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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