Short Story

38 3 16

Contest: Weekly Story Contests

Prompt: "Enemy Ally"

Title: A Brother's Betrayal

She heard it first. The terrible wailing. As fast as possible, she ripped off her clothes, trusting that her suit would appear when she needed it.

As Cerry ran down the street, people seemed oblivious to her presence, but that may have had to do with the fact that she was invisible. People couldn't see or sense her.

When she had tracked down the screams, what she found was that Dr. Cyphus was waiting for her. Gently, stepping over and around the traps he set, Cerry walked up to him. There was a small crowd of people watching, but the majority of people in the area were stuck in a large metal cage.

Frowning, Cerry walked up to it. They looked through her and to the others on the street. They didn't speak, she noticed. Seeing, for the first time, that he had sewed their lips ignited a newfound rage inside her.

She strode angrily towards the Doctor. When she was no more than twenty feet away, she heard the twang of a string and the next thing she knew, she was in the air. Swinging from a glaringly obvious lamppost with a net.

Still fuming, Cerry reached through the net in a pathetic attempt to reach him. When he turned around, she saw that he had a twisted, evil smirk on his face. She could only growl from where she sat, tangled and suspended.

He laughed, a cold sound in the scorching heat of the day. "So, the uncatchable had been caught?" He spoke for the first time, his voice old and rusty like the creaking of metal.

Something itched in the back of her mind. She dug it out, using every inch of her memory to remember where she's heard that voice before. This was the first time he'd ever-

"NO!" she screamed aloud. He jumped, stumbling and nearly falling. She shook her head violently. "No, no, no, no!!" Her voice had grown thick with emotion as she screamed over and over.

The crowd was looking around in confusion, wondering what had caused the outburst. To her though, it was blatantly obvious. Who she had been trying to get rid of for years was the one person whom she longed to see.

"Gabriel?" Cerry called out hesitantly. She watched for any sign, but he showed none. Instead, he looked up, showing off his crystal blue eyes. "Gabe..." she whispered as he stepped menacingly forward.

"Who are you? How do you know?!" He whispered furiously when he had gotten close enough to her. Suddenly, he stopped. Shaking his head violently, he leaned away from her, his eyes widening.

In horror.

"Cerry?" Dr. Cyphus whispered, his eyes large and pleading. "Please don't tell me it's you..."

In response, she took off her mask. Showing her face to the world. Showing off her blonde hair and light blue eyes so much like her brother's.

Her eyes were wide with hurt and betrayal as he turned away. Shaking his head quickly, he regained any composure lost and turned sharply towards Cerry. She flinched at the cool, disinterested look that he sent her way.

"You were my brother. My best friend. Y-you said you'd always be there for me..? An-and then you left..?" She stared at him, letting all the betrayal, hurt and exhaustion show in her face but he didn't even flinch.

Cerry then let the tears she'd been holding back flow freely. She chucked her mask to the floor and turned around in the net so that she was curled into a ball, not facing Dr. Cyphus.

Outraged cried sounded from every direction when she gave up. The people in the cage broke down in hopelessness, the crowd started to run out of fear.

This only made Cerry sob louder, harder. She had found the one person she needed in the world and he didn't care about her. She had disappointed and let down the people that depended upon her.

She wasn't a hero... she was just a deluded 19-year-old playing dress up. At this thought, she stopped. She wasn't.

She stopped wallowing in self pity and got herself together. She stood up as best she could in the net, standing uncertainly on her knees.

Gently, she began to sway the net from side to side; away from the Doctor and towards the Doctor.

Suddenly, something caught her eye. On top of the crate on the behind her was a knife. She swung faster, stretching out her gloved hand for the sharp object. Once she had reached it, she swung it up so that it dug into the netting, tearing it.

She fell to the floor quietly and stalked towards Dr. Cyphus. As the strangled cries from the crowd alerted him to her presence, he swung around. She was too fast, though, already swinging the knife up and into him.

He gave a gurgling gasp before collapsing in seemingly slow motion. "Cerry..." he whispered. Her eyes gleaming, she leaned over him, waiting to hear his next words. "I never left you and Mum. I was taken... I left you a letter-" His explanation was cut off by a fit of violent coughing, bringing blood to his lips.

Cerry gasped, going to pull out her phone. Gabriel - for that was who he was now - caught her hand, bring it into his own.

"I'm sorry," They said simultaneously. He shook his head, "There's nothing to be sorry for, Cer."

"Gabe... I just killed you," she whispered, tears dripping out of her eyes and onto him.

"Thank you." She looked up in surprise. "He had taken my humanity. He had taken feelings. All that was left was killing... you." He sat up suddenly, grasping her other hand in his, ignoring the pain.

"Cerry, you cannot let him get to you! He will kill you in an instant! He will crush your bones and make them into bread!"

"Fee, fi, fo, fum..." She hummed underneath her breath. Gabriel gave an unamused half-sigh-half-laugh and laid back down on the concrete, still holding her hands.

He coughed some more and the reality of the situation sunk in, hitting her like a freight train. "Gabe! Gabe, stay with me!" she screamed, but his eyes were already loosing their light, his skin was already pale as a corpse, his fingers already cold.

Not being able to do anything, she whispered "I love you," before breaking down.

He squeezed her hand assuredly, before the last bit of light drained from his eyes. She screamed, the terrible, raw sound of something breaking, shattering. There was nothing for her to live for... except killing the bastard who took him away from her. Killing the beast who turned her ally brother into her hated enemy.

Standing up determinedly, ignoring the blood splattered on her invisible body, she looked over the crowd who were sitting in stunned silence. You could hear a pin drop in this kind of silence, not even the streets around her could make the silence so incomplete.

For the first time, this concrete jungle she lived in seemed terrifyingly alien to her. The tall, smooth faces of the buildings set with glass, were unfamiliar. The tall buildings were no longer comforting, but claustrophobic. Breathing heavily, she took one last look at her brother before putting her mask on and disappearing into the day.

In that last look, she had vowed on his and her mother's dead bodies that she would get the revenge she so desperately sought. And, if she didn't, she would die trying.

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