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"So what else should I know about Disneyland?" Baer asks as we walk by Mad Tea Party. We decide to walk through Fantasyland to get to the castle, and just looking at the spinning teacups makes me dizzy.

"That's honestly the worst question to ask me," I reply. "I don't even know where to start!" I pause to think. "How about you tell me what you've heard?"

"Hmm," he says, looking around and tapping his chin. "Well, I think I remember reading about Hidden Mickeys a while ago. Are those really a thing?"

"Yes!" I say, almost too excitedly. Pointing out Hidden Mickeys is one of my favorite things to do, and I'm glad he brought it up. "There's one in Fantasyland actually. C'mon."

I walk a few steps ahead of Baer, making sure not to walk too quickly since the Hidden Mickey isn't far from us.

It's hitting me that these might be my last few moments with Baer, if I want to be a good friend to Alex, that is. As much as I'd love to spend the rest of the day with my new friend, I should deliver on the quality time I promised to my old one. I want to savor these next few minutes as best as I can.

"Alec," I hear Baer say, pointing to King Arthur Carrousel. "Is that...?"

I look at where he's pointing and smile. "Yeah, it's Beauty and the Beast."

Belle is sitting on a horse, as Beast stands right behind, as if protecting her. Belle waves at Baer, and he waves back with a huge smile on his face. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Wow, that's so cool. I didn't know the characters go on the rides, too," Baer says, still smiling.

"Yeah, I love it. Sometimes Darth Vader rides on Star Tours."

Baer's eyes go wide, and I can't help but laugh.

"I'm just kidding. Sorry to get your hopes up."

"Ahh, you suck!" he says, giving me a playful shove. "I love Star Wars. Stop taking advantage of me and my...newness."

"It's so easy, though! But you're right, I'll be good." I give him a smirk. "Or at least I'll try."

"Jerk," he says, rolling his eyes.

I laugh and see that we've arrived at Peter Pan's Flight. I look for the Hidden Mickey to make sure it's still there, and stop at a good spot.

"Alright," I say, looking at Baer. "Stand right here and face that way."

He walks over, stands at a spot on the ground I'm pointing to, and faces the ride.

"Now look up at that window," I say, pointing at a high window to the left of the ride's queue. "There's a Hidden Mickey there."

I watch as Baer focuses on the window. He squints his eyes, as if that's going to help.

"Is it hard to see?" he asks after about 10 seconds.

"I mean, not really. But I guess if you've never seen it before it could be hard to spot."

"Okay, hold on. Let me find it."

10 more seconds pass.

"Ugh, I give up. I don't see it."

I chuckle. "Don't worry, someone had to point it out for me, too. Do you see that..." I pause, and smile to myself.

"What? See what?"

"Okay, I promise I realized this just now and didn't plan this." I laugh, finding it hard to believe the coincidence.

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