Chapter 5

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(Miku's 4th day in Arcana Famiglia~)

(This chapter is Miku-chan being sick.)

Miku's POV

I woke up and my head hurts so much!

"O-ow.." I held my head because of the pain.

"Ah! Miku your awake! you had me worried!" I saw Pace looking at me worriedly.

"Ah Pace where are we?" I asked confused.

"Were in your room Miku." Pace said.

"It's my fault that you fainted." Pace said sadly.

"No! Pace it's not your fault." I protested.

I took Pace's hand in mine and I felt a spark.

I suddenly  removed my grasp on him because of shock.

"Pace I-ACHOO!." I sneezed.

"Miku are you okay?" Pace said.

"I-im fine it's just that I have a fever.

When I get sick I look like im about to die it's because I rarely get sick!

"I wanna die.." I said.

"D-don't die Miku your too young to die anyway!" Pace said.

"Can you get me a bucket or something since I feel like puking.." I said to Pace.

"S-sure!" Pace said hurriedly.

5 minutes later~♡

"Here's the bucket Miku." Pace put it down.

"Thank you but you may not want to see me puke." I said to him.

"No it's ok I can handle it...Probably." He whispered the last part but I heard him.

"Ok then." I said.

10 minutes later~♡

Well to summarize what happened within those 10 minutes when I puked he almost puked at my head!

"S-sorry almost puking on you Miku."

Pace said slightly blushing.

"I already told you to go out and yet you did not." I said to him.

"Hey Pace should'nt you be in work?" I said to him.

"Oh I took the day off to take care of you Miku." He said shyly.

"Aww how sweet of you Pace~♡" I tried teasing him but failed miserably.

"Hehe it's all for you Miku." Pace said.

"Why don't I give you a reward for taking care of you." I said shyly.

"Then give me a kiss on the cheek when you get better~♡" Pace said excitedly.

I blushed but it was unnoticed by Pace because of my red face.

"F-fine..." I said making my face more red.

"Ah! Miku has your fever gone up?!" Pace said worriedly.

"A-ah no it's fine." I said.

"Ok then Miku.." Pace said.

Later this afternoon~♡

Lunch time~♡

"Miku do you wan't some food?" Pace asked.

"Yeah sure im getting hungry anyway." I said.

"What would you like?" Pace asked.

"Some corn soup please." I requested.

"Ok then!" Pace said.

After Pace wen't out Felicita wen't in.

"Miku are you okay?" Felicita asked worriedly.

"Yes, Pace has been taking care of me properly." I smiled to Felicita.

"Good I was so worried.. you looked like you were dead.." Felicita said sadly.

"Don't worry I won't die that easily~"

I said to her.

Suddenly the door opened and Pace wen't in.

"Ah Felicita! How was your day?" Pace asked her.

"Ah it was all okay, well I have more papers to finish so bye." Felicita waved goodbye.

"Here's your corn soup! Say aahh.." Pace said treating me like a baby.

"A-aahh..." I opened my mouth and tasted the corn soup.

"It tastes good!" I said happily.

"Luca's food taste good hehe!" Pace said.

I chuckled a bit.

"W-what's so funny?" Pace asked.

"Oh nothing.." I smiled.

At night~♡

I felt a lot better after being taken care by Pace.

"Hey Pace I feel a lot better!" I said to him.

"Yeah!" Pace said happily.

"Here's your reward!" I kissed his cheek.

Then Pace blushed madly while rubbing his head.

I yawned im so sleepy.

"You must be sleepy Miku go to sleep, good night!" Pace said.

"Okay goodnight Pace." I said as he wen't out.


Well? enjoyed it? sorry for uploading late I had some things to do.

Prepare for chapter 6!

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