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Mavis' POV:
I was woken to the sound of my cat meowing. Yup. I'm a nineteen year old werewolf and I have a cat. His name Tibby and I love him to bits.

"What's up buddy? You want food? Ok then." I cooed scooping him up and carrying him downstairs. I live in a two story middle class penthouse in a bustling city in England.

I run my fingers through my strawberry blonde hair as I watch the ginger tabby cat eat his biscuits.

"It's like that stupid cat is your mate." My wolf Iris said.

I sensibly blocked her out and walked upstairs into my room. It is an average sized room with pastel blue, pink and purple ombré walls. In the far corner is a queen sized bed with pusheen covers. Yup I'm obsessed with cats!

Everything in my room is pastels.

I opened my baby pink sweater and pulled out a mint green pusheen sweater with words 'Nah' on it and some denim shorts.

I decided to go and grab breakfast at my favourite cafe down the street. I put on some teal wedges and set off.

When I arrived I was greeted my one of my friends who work that as a waitress Kylie.

Her long black hair was straightened neatly and her teal eyes light up as I walked in. "Hey Mavis!" She squealed girlishly.

"Hi!" I squealed back pulling her in for a hug.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here, I know I'm not meant to seat you be Cecilia is out back getting a drink so I'll seat you." Exclaimed Kylie.

She lead me to a small secluded area of the cafe and sat me on a two seater table. I grabbed the menu. "What would you like?" She asked. I browsed the menu. I already knew all the food and drinks as I'd been to this cafe about a million times but I wanted check if there was anything new.

"Oh so I asked boss if we could start making pusheen cookies for you and since you're like our favourite customer she said yes!" Exclaimed Kylie. Oh...my...word! I wanted to explode. Cookies for me? Not just normal cookies? Pusheen ones. They were $2. So cheap!

"I'll have two please and a medium coffee." I chirped. Kylie scribbled down my order and jogged off to tell the barista.

Within minutes my order was complete. "Thank you Kylie!" I grinned.

Suddenly, a very attractive man swaggered in. I began to tingle.

"Mate...mate...mate." Snarled Iris.

"No Iris shut up. Calm yourself." I replied.

Iris was a very obedient wolf. She was very loyal to my human side although she hated Tibby and insulted him a lot she was also very nice to me.

"Ok ok." She agreed.

The man was definitely a werewolf though. He was roughly my age and was very muscular.

He had neat blonde hair with shaved sides and hazel eyes. He was dressed in what looked like business clothes. He was a business man? Wow I hope he is my mate.

"Yeah see?" Said Iris.

"Please Iris shut it." I growled.

The man began to sniff the air and he looked straight at me and charged...

Sorry for such a short chapter! I just wanted to get ready! This love is gonna go real quick.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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