The Moon

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Darkness all around,
Storms in my heart.
Don't Go! - My heart yelled.
Stay with me, please.
Wrap me in your arms,
As I feel out of the harm's way.

Be with me!
Stars are here,
Sparkling and twinkling,
The diamonds of the sky.
All accompanying the Solitary Moon,
While rise of the Dynasty of Dark.

Look into my eyes,
Look into my soul.
See what I don't speak,
See what the words can't express.
The scars... Th joy...
The unsaid feelings...

Alas! Nothing to say at all
As you made up your mind.
Awkward silences all around...
That night, I was the Moon,
Surrounded by the stars,
Still so lonely!

                              - Garima Juneja

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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