Chapter 1

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It was the summer of 1964 one i will never forget. Not because of all the violence that would soon occur, that was just part of it. But of the horrid truths hidden within my own family. Nothing could have prepared me for what i discovered. Nothing ever will... But enough of that. Lets continue on with the story.
It was at the very end of May and heading on into June when I felt the winds of change blowing into Jackson, Mississippi. It was midmorning and I had my back against the mighty oak tree that stood just beside the creek right behind our little three bedroom house. Well it was more like a cabin than a house but even so it meant the world to me. I looked up in the sky watching the clouds goin by and knew that even though the summer hadn't even begun that it wasn't gonna be like other summers I've ever experienced. Ever since the Civil Rights movement started up there's been all kinds of protests goin on. Like the Montgomery bus boycott which lasted for 'bout a year, the sit-in's  where the black and white protestors would sit together at the front counter of a restaurant, which was taboo and rarely  heard of, and suffer viscous attacks like havin food dumped on them, getting curse words spat at them, and even burned with cigarettes, and most of all marches, a lot of them ending in violence,  many blacks getting arrested, and worse killed. It saddened my heart, but something has to be done with the unjust and unfair treatment of blacks in the United States. But does it still justify the danger the young protestors face just by being involved? That's could be someone's child, someone's baby...
As i sat there in deep thought, two bodies tackled me from behind and as I was about to fight back I looked up and saw that it was just my older twin brothers Charles and Galvin tryin to scare the holy ghost outta me. Charles and Galvin are 3 years older than me and some say that if Charles didn't have a scar across his left eyebrow, one he got from falling out of a tree, that they could be one and the same. " Get off of me!", I say tryin to push them off of me, and my efforts being futile. "What you thinkin 'bout lil sister?", said Gavin, a faint of a dimple appeared when he smirked. "Wouldn't you guys like to know?" I said as they finally let up and rolled off me. Charles dusted off his trouser's and said, "Your right we don't. We just came out here because Mama was lookin for ya." "Oh yeah? What for?"Gavin pulled me up to my feet, and we dusted ourselves off. "She says your gonna be late for summer school." Charles said as he stretched out his arms and gave a mighty yawn. I gave a sigh and began to trudge towards the house. I failed my Math class and as a result of that I had to make it up in summer school. Well i guess its time to face the music and headed off to my 4 hour nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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