the Backyard.

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Hey guys! so here's the next chappie I hope you like it. ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!! Since there's only FIVE MORE CHAPTERS! and since some of the other chapters haven't been dedicated I think its time to do a contest. theres no dates really. its just I'll dedicate chapters (from this chappie on) to the comment that sticks out the most. SO either  you can think of something really creative or if you comment on a whole bunch its really anything goes for this so yeah just impress me :) and for the older chappies just if you want a dedication go back and tell me your favorite part of the chapters. ALSO if i have given you a dedication again I might not give you another one because I want to make sure alot of people get dedications but you never know! and thank you to all my loyal readers that comment alot of this story you gusy are the reason I get so happy to publish these things :) anyway heres the chappie enjoy! - gabs <3

"The backyard? Really? That's the best he's got?"

"Annie!" I whined at my best friend.

The red simply rolled her eyes at me and said, "Well, I'm just saying what are you gonna do in the backyard thats romantic?....MELL I SWEAR YOU BETTER NOT!"

"Annie breathe," I laughed, grabbing her shoulders, "Let's think shall we? One: its a first date. Two: I'd hit him so bad if he tried. Three: he's not gonna try because he's Liam not an idoit perv."

Annie's face stopped turning red and she gave a big smile before turning back to her sketch book. I swear, she hasn't put that thing down all night. Everywhere she went it was always in arm's reach. It was kinda nice though; I hadn't seen her draw like that since Ryan. She gave it all up for that flea invested weasel, but now her whole face was lit up as her pencil danced across the page.

As much as it made me smile to see her so happy, I was about to throw the book out of the window. And by this point, I'd be aiming for the thornbushes. I needed my redhead to focus. Here I am, looking like a sag rag doll with terrible fashion sense while Annie doodles away. Not to mention the time til my surpise date in the backyard was ticking away. All this stress was freaking me out - in other words I was probably going to sweat through my makeup. Well, drastic times call for drastic measures.

I snatched the book away from her and held it behind my back as she protested, "Heeeeeeey! That's mine!"

"Help me find clothes and I'll give it back," I promised, holding my pinkie out.

"Fine," Annie huffed, wrapping pinkies with me before rummaging through our clothes.

I have it give to her, Annie is a wonder with clothes. I had a suitcase full of clothes Max got for me - my stylist has no faith in my abilities not to embarass myself- and she managed to create the perfect outfit on the first try. It took her a full fifteen minutes of complete silence. It was memserizing watching her method of sorting through the clothes like lighting. Annie could make a decision on what went with what in a matter of seconds, whereas it took normal people at least a few. I think it has to be some sort of freaky redheaded six sense. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Annie's the best - who else would help pick out clothes like this.

"You're so useful!" I cheered, giving her a big hug as she handed me my clothes.

"I know, I'm amazing!" she laughed with me, "Now go get changed, so I can get my book back!"

I gasped when I saw my reflection after I changed. It was simple but quite effective. The black skinny jeans she had picked out for me hugged all my curves, but I could still breathe, which I like to do. My shirt was a sheer teal blue with a sea green tank underneath that showed off my tiny waist. My best friend came and wrapped a white scarf loosely around my neck and clamped her  favorite white braclet on my wrist. It was flawless. Annie had done it again. I swear one of these days I'm going to get her a medal...or a trophy. She does like shiny objects.

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