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at dawn, Calum made a move for it. Collecting his belongings off the pavement and beginning to take his first steps back into the sidewalk. His stomach grumbled, his feet hurt, but he had to push himself to keep going. And before he knew it before dusk, he made to a sign that said "now leaving for Ohio." He wasn't the best at directions but he knew whatever instincts he was born with, were doing him right. Her kept on trekking and the hunger got worse. He had no choice but to scramble through the nearby dumpster he saw up ahead. He didn't care at this point, he had to do whatever to survive. If homeless people can do it, so can he.
Back at the house, was a living nightmare. They attempted to interrogate Michael with food trying to get him to speak about Calum. And he wouldn't. He couldn't disobey Calums order and he couldn't rat a brother out. Each time he declined to answer They'd beat him with whatever they could find, an iron, a bat anything just so they can get information out him, and he wouldn't say a peep. They tore apart the house, and bullied anyone who got in the way of their investigation. Michael was used to taking the blame and taking the hurt of others. Nobody ever stood up and took the blame for him and he hated that. He was a good person with a good heart with good intentions. He never knew that finding some peace or affection would be difficult. He wanted his parents, and he was hoping in the back of his mind that Calum would some how magically find them and get them to come get him. But it seemed too far fetched.
To be even more cruel they threw Michael into the disobedience room, handcuffing his foot to the little piece of furniture that was left in there. He was beaten for hours on end, and he was lucky to be alive. They busted his lip, gave him a swollen eye, his nose hurt, his head throbbed and everything just general hurt. As much as he just wanted to burst out crying he couldn't. He didn't want to seem like a wimp - he had to be strong. And wherever Calum was he was hoping that he made some sort of progress.
Eventually Calum came to a set of train tracks. In a distance he could hear and see a train, within seconds it shot by, blowing his hair in the wind. Before it completely passed he hopped on the open train cart in the back, he hoped that nobody minded his presence. He sat there watching all the buildings, and people and tree go by in seconds. He liked the feel of the train and he liked the breeze it gave him. The cool fresh air filled his lungs, it was probably the first time he's been outside in ages. All he could wonder is how Michael was doing and if they tried to kill him for his disappearance.
He didn't know how much time had passed but it had to be a long time cause he fell asleep and some older man was poking him and yelling at his face. "CMON BOY GET THE HELL UP! THIS IS NOT YOUR TRAIN AND YOU HAVE TO GET THE HELL OFF." Without saying a word Calum looked straight at the main giving him a good stare hopping off the train cart. "DONT EVER COME BACK HERE!" the man screamed, he was waving his fist in the air, and just to be safe Calum starting running.
At this point he had no clue where he was or what he was going to do. He found himself dropping his knees in a grassy wooded area, he had no map, no sense of direction no way to communicate with anybody. He was officially all alone. He was scared and confused, he wished Michael came along.

(Hmm, thoughts? Even though Calum doesn't have much of a plan do you think he's doing a good job at 'running away'?)

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