New friends

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"Thanks again Nat!" Liza beamed wrapping me into a hug

"No problem!" I sighed

"I'll see you at school tomorrow then" Liza said smiling

"Yeah, I guess" I smiled

Liza walked out of my house

Her boyfriend Johny was waiting for her in his car

I drifted into my living room and turned on to MTV

"Stone hard!

Machine gun!"

Titanium blasted through my tv

My phone vibrated in my pocket

Alana's phone vibrated in my pocket

"Hello" I beamed picking up

"Hey hun! So what did you do last night huh?" Alana asked

"Oh, well Liza slept round last night ,and the rest,it's a , it's a complicated story, why don't you come over" I suggested

"Sure!...Wait! Liza slpept over?" Alana asked using a shocked tone

"Yes, why what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing" Alana said quickly

"Alana what's your secret?" I yelled

Alana hang the phone up and arrived at my house, shortly after

"Hi" Alana said, letting herself in

"Alana, friggen tell me your secret, or I will hit you with a chair" I joked

Alana stuck her tongue out at me

"Look, Natalie, It's a hard subject for me" Alana warned

"Please tell me" I pouted, using my puppy dog eyes

Alana shook her head hard and plopped herself down on the sofa

"Can you drop the secret thing, if it wasn't so uncomfortable to speak about, you would already knew" Alana promised

I sighed but decided to drop it

We stared at the TV for the remainder of the day


"Nat, wake up!" Alana said shaking me

"What time is it?" I asked

"Nine O clock" Alana said weakly

"WHAT!" I shot up and ra into the bathroom

"How are we late?!" I questioned

"I was awake at five, but you are stubborn and wont wake up" Alana explained

I laughed and brushed my teeth quickly and scrubbed my face, no time for showers

I some of my clothes that were thrown in the bath, I don't even know why or how they got there

I changed into a black GG top and some dark blue daisy dukes

"Your ready?" Alana asked

I picked up a brush and yanked it through my hair until I was satisied with the final picture

"Yep, let's go sisco!" I said running outside

I went into the garage and reversed my car

Alana stopped dead in her tracks when she saw my car

"WOW!" Alana screamed

"I know right" I laughed letting her get in

"I'm driving, mwahahahaha!" I teased

Alana just rolled her eyes and concentrated on the road

"If you crash this and we die...i'm going to kill you"  Alana noted


After ten minutes we pulled up outside of school

Many people turned their heads to stare at Badger

Yup! That was now my cars name

We stepped out of Badger and I pressed a button that locked him

"There she is!" A fimiliar voice said behind me

"Natalie!" I turned around to see Liza with a bunch of other girl

They were all dressed in their short cheerleading outfits

Not only was Liza head of sluts, but she was the head cheerleader and in the top three of the most popular people in school

I greeted her with a smile

"Hey Liza!" I beamed

"Girls, this is Natalie, she is amazing!"  Liza introduced me

The eight girls surrounding her gave me a wave and and gave them one back

"Let's get to know eachother!" Liza suggested

She took hold of my arm and dragged me away from Alana

I shot her a sympothetic look and mouthed sorry

Liza took me over to left end of the school where all the cool kids hang

Here you have your jocks, the basketball players, footballers, the fitties, the cheerleaders, the sluts

In the middle of the school you have the dancers, guitar players and the gymnasts,the goths and the scateboarders

And in the right end of the school you have your social outcasts, geeks, nerds, people classed as ugly and the goodey two shoes

"So Natalie, tell us about yourself" one of the girls said

"Well, my name is Natalie, Rose, Evens, I'm seventeen, my favourite animals are pandas, I am obsessed with wotsits, and my family are rich" I said

The girls nodded their heads as if to  say 'she's one of us'

I nervously smile at them

"Girls, tell Natalie about you" Liza instructed

"Hi, I'm Isabelle, the baby of the group, I'm sixteen, seventeen next month and I go through at least six boyfriends every four months"

"My name is Lucy, I'm seenteen and I'm in love with GG tops" Lucy was eyeing my GG top

"Sup, my name is Chantelle, I love cats, I have six at home, I'm seventeen"

"Hi, i'm Lozzie, i'm a tranfer student from china and i'm seventeen"

"Hey, my name is Kiera, i'm seventeen and my ambition is to marry Tyler Miller" Everebody laughed and I winced at those words, Kiera was far more pretty than me, I had no chance

"Hey i'm Rocky, well my full name is Roquell, anyway I'm seventeen"

"My name is Linny, I am seventeen and I'm still struggling on what one add one is"

"Sophie is my name, I'm from Texas and I love food"

"So Natalie, I take you will be hanging out with us from now on?" Liza quizzed

"Hhhm..." I replied

So did they think that they now own me? And even if I did want to hang out with them, how could I fit Alana in?




Thanks for reading! None of you evil people commented on the cars name so I just picked on :(

Keep reading BANSHIS!

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