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MIDWAY 7 continues to circle the globe several times to gather as much informations as possible so that we could come into an
accurate decisions that will guide us to the next course of actions.

Through our Long-range Proton Scanning Telescope, we could see the whole earth surface as if we are looking at our own back yards.

Literally, the whole earth surface is in dire condition which really make us sick!

The predictions by  Brig. Gen. Ben is prophetic: the effect of nuclear blasts are tragic and beyond description!

The whole earth surface looks as if
a herd of giants had been let loose to trample the world leaving several patches of untouch grassland and forest here and there!

Most of the major town and cities are in ruin like a collection of rubbles and concrete spikes pointing to the sky, a dreaded aftermath of a thousands hurricane and tornado!

"Can anyone survive under such mess, Sir?" Lt. Karen asks with puddle of tears in her eyes.

"I wish I can provide an answer to your question, Lt. Karen," replies Col. Carlson who is standing on the Bridge with most of the senior officers, "Let just hope God spare some!"

Suddenly, one of the Ensign turns his head towards Col. Carlson, "Commander, unknown birds cruising towards the North Pole!"

"Bring it up on screen!"

"Aye, aye Sir!"

A squadron of  Falcon Fighters in tight formation heading to the north.

"What type of aircraft is that?" Major Abram inquires as he observe the uniqueness design of the aircraft.

"It is a new High Altitude Fighter capable of  a limited flight in space, Sir!" Weapon Officer Marcos replies pointing to his screen showing a digital image of the strange looking aircrafts.

"Mmm... that machine could pose a threat to MIDWAY," says Col. Carlson. "Chief Ensign, plot a new orbit for MIDWAY 7 and include Falcon Fighter to our Yellow Alert Tracking List.!"

"Yes Sir!"

"Whoever fly those machines must be the survivors but which one?" Major Abram says looking at his commander," Are they good fella or bad one?"

"Good question Major but we don't know for sure till we encounter them face to face!"

"Send EAGLE 13 to earth and find out the intensity of radiation fallout now!" Col. Carlson adds.

"Bridge  to Control Room, launch EAGLE 13 to earth!" echoes Major Abram.

"Launching EAGLE 13 to earth: one, two, three, launch!"

A missle's shape AUV launches itself from the starboard of MIDWAY 7 towards earth, piercing its last atmosoheric shield as it enters into earth gravitational pull.

At its in-built sensor detects the force gravity, its stub wings pops out, enabling it to steer into the air without the aid of its thrusters.

"EAGLE 13 has achieved free fall towards earth. Pilot 13, engage!" A soft of a lady echoes back.

"Roger that Ensign Chief. Pilot 13 fully engaged and ready for action!" replies another Ensign who is sitting beside Ensign Chief.

All eyes are glued to the flight screen watching as if everyone there are the pilots. Its birdviews are quite impresive!

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