Nobody ever knows where the 10mm wrench is.

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"Well fudge..." Daniel sighed as he opened the smoking hood of his rusting 1991 Ford Hatchback. It wasn't the first time the car had given up on him, but by the looks of the billowing clouds of white smoke coming from his engine bay, it just might be the last. 

After working a twelve and a half hour shift waiting on seemingly every family in the tri-county area, all Daniel wanted to do was go home, settle into the couch with a grilled cheese sandwich and his trusty dog Buckles at his side and binge watch Netflix. He was only five miles from home when he noticed himself losing control of his car. 

He knew his phone was dead, and therefore he couldn't call anyone, not even a tow truck. Daniel considered walking, but after twelve and a half hours on his feet there was no way he would. With a hint of resignation, he popped open his trunk and took a seat on the edge.

While watching the sun sink into the hazy orange sky, Daniel heard another car rolling up. He looked up and saw a blue Impala flicking on it's blinker to pull in front of him. He wasn't sure what quite to expect, but he was definitely shocked when a girl taller than himself with a burst of curly blonde hair stepped out of the driver's side. 

"Heya. Looks like a bitta trouble ya got here." The girl didn't hesitate leaning over the Escort's front end. The accent, the boots, and the fearlessness of this girl's persona intrigued him. He walked over and peered into the engine bay with her. 

"I'm Ellie Mae by the way. Hey that rhymed..." She giggled slightly at her own joke and Daniel found himself smiling in earnest and introducing himself to the girl. "Daniel." He watched as she checked a couple of the fluids sticks, "How much do you know about cars?"

"Well I did grow up with six brothers but they--" She paused for a moment and crinkled her nose. "Shoot. You've got a snapped drive belt. It flew all around your engine and hit a couple a things and that's where the smoke came from..." She tucked a strand of blonde curl behind her ear and looked at Daniel. He noticed the freckles that spread across her nose and spread down her neck and arms and found himself wanting to count every single one. 

"For once, I actually have the right tools. A 10mm and everything, but we can't really do much without a new you wanna--" She looked straight at him with stunningly dark green eyes. "Your car dropped a belt and you dropped your jaw Danny. If you wanna I can give ya a ride home and help you fix it tomorrow."

Daniel could only nod and accept her offer, leaving the Escort abandoned until tomorrow. He had no idea what the car's future was, let alone his own, but he knew he wanted Ellie Mae involved somehow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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