Round 36

270 12 20

1. Would You Rather...

Go shopping with your friends to pick out an outfit for your date with Kendall or go prom dress shopping with your mom whom your date is James?

2. Would You Rather...

Be cared for by Logan when you're sick, as in him making you soup and making sure you're comfortable OR would you rather run errands for Kendall and being bring him lunch in the studio just so you could see him for a bit?

3. Would You Rather...

Go swimming with all the guys on a Summer day in Cali or jet ski riding with your favorite in the mountains?




Hey guys!! Sooo sorry for not updating! I've been sick for about a week and a half now and during that time I had no motivation to do anything. But I'm back- still trying to get over this cold- but I've realized that I have literally so much to do and so so so little time...therefore...I will try to update as often as I can :)

If ya'll would please take the time to VOTE, it would seriously mean a lot!!

Don't forget to comment :)))

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