~ Archive Two ~ Elrain ~

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You have already been informed of my name or rather number and that I'm eighteen, but listen closely, I've got much more up my sleeve.

I'm strong-minded, and kickass, modestly speaking. I'm the oldest - we think. I'm pretty considered the leader, or at the very least I'm the one in charge when it comes to my family of sorts. Shoal is my second in command. My third is a small thirteen-year-old girl – Arwen.

I was gifted with decent features; sunny blonde hair and blue eyes. Occasionally my cheeks become freckled when I spend long hours in the gardens. 

After shifting from human to lupine, my eyes turn a vibrant green, and my fur is coal-black, with grey, and white speckles, almost like the night sky. My ability is unusual, to say the least. I can bend and control the energy around me, telekinetic, the old books called it. But all of our abilities have a catch. My catch is that it is exhausting, sometimes it is impossible due to the stress it places on my body. As previously mentioned, I am the eldest. Shoal is eighteen also, but I suppose I'm the most responsible. Not every eighteen-year-old has to deal with the same things I have to deal with every day of my life. (I'm considered the mother of the house – though if any of the others speak a word of it I tend to punish them in some minuscule way.) But don't get too comfortable, this may happen to you someday, or your children. You can never predict these things. If it can happen to me it can happen to you too. My family, my home, and my abilities are all I need in my not-so-perfect life. Without them, I wouldn't be myself. I would most likely be a lonely maid without a soul.

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