💖Chapter-2💖More About Them💖

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^^^Clea Hopkins above^^^

With trust, even the silence is understood and without trust, every word is misunderstood. Trust is the key to a successful relationship.

After completing my powerpoint presentation, I switched to skype in an attempt to keep my promise to her. She was there almost immediately.

"Hey. So you remembered your promise. I thought you forgot." She said making her lips pout a little.

"I never break my promises. You know that. Speaking of that, now its my time to surprise you. Guess what?" I asked smirking.

"What? You too found someone for yourself? Huh? Omg! Who is she? Where you met? How she lo-....." she bombarded me with the totally irrelevant questions.

"Calm down Clea! Its not that what you think. Let me tell you. Because your assumptions sucks!" I said cutting her in between her bombarding.

"Oh...sorry. continue please." She said making a silly face.

"So.....guess what? I.....am......comimg.....BACK TO CALIFORNIA !!!!" I said emphasising on each word and almost screaming the last part.

"WHAT??!! WHEN??!!" She asked excitedly.

"I'll completing my post graduation within 2 weeks. So expect me soon after."

"Wow dude. Its soo cool. That means you would finally be able to my wedding!" she exclaimed.

Her words made me so uncomfortable. I, still , was struggling to digest the fact. She seemed to notice my discomfort because the smile faded as soon as our eyes met.

"What happened Sean? I can tell you've been hiding something from me. I can feel it. What's happening?" She asked. Worry visible in her eyes.

No. I can't be so selfish. I can't snatch her happiness because of my greed to love her. No I can't do it. I have to accept the fact. For her.

"Its nothing Clea. I'm just so happy for you. Finally you got everything you ever dreamt of. Okay tell me more about your future husband." Words sliping out of my mouth just to cheer both of us. It surely cheered her up. But for me, Nah!

"Yeah sure. His name is Andrew. And he is a piolet as I have already told.  He will be coming back to California today after a month-long flight journey. So we'll meet him tomorrow. Though I have already met het mother. She is damn cute. She really very understanding too. I just can't wait to meet him. I am too excited. You know what-......." She was speaking uncontrollably. I was interested in her beautiful radiating face than her words. I can't wait to go back and embrace her in my arms.

".....- so I decided to go on whatever they will choose." She continued.

"You have no idea Clea how ecstatic I am right now seeing you soo much happy." I said honestly and she blushed at my comment.

"Fine. Now don't exaggerate. I'll be going now since I have to do alot of things for tomorrow. B-bye."
"Bye. Take care. Give love to kristen and Harrison." I said referring to her parents; and disconnected.

After having a small chat with Clea, I started working on my project which would be the final presentation for my post graduation. I just can't wait to fly back!


"Really??? Am I dreaming or you just confessed to me that you want an arrange marriage???" My mom asked in total disbelief.

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