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Let this be known. Alice Cooper hates Hiram Lodge. She always has amd now hes bought The Register from Hal because her stupid husband wanted more money. She had called Betty with the news but her drunk daughter didn't want to know about it because she was "too busy". Honestly since That Night, Betty has been slipping away from her more than usual. And that thought scared her more than anything.

A knock on the door interrupted Alice's internal monologue and she sighed before getting up from the table to answer the door. On the other side of the door was FP Jones."Sorry FP, Jughead and Betty aren't here." She went to close the door but FP stopped it with his hand."I know, I came to see you actually. Can I come in?" He asked. Instantly she panicked, thinking something was wrong, FP never came round."What is it? Is it Betty?" She asked him, eyes blown wide with panic."What? No. Nothing's wrong. It's just I heard about what happened with the register." FP confessed. Alice instantly felt a flare of anger in the pits of her stomach when she remembered about The Register."Oh that." She said in a cool, even tone but FP knew it was just a facade.

She moved so he can get through, shoulders brushing together but not one of them minded. Alice walked to the kitchen and turned to FP, holding two mugs."Coffee?" She asked him and he nodded, letting her get on with the task.

They were in silence whilst she made the coffee amd when Alice was done, she broight the coffees to the table and placed them on coasters. She sat down and began sipping her coffee."What happened?" FP asked her, contemplating putting a hand on her arm, he found his arm did it anyway, and surprisingly, she didn't move away from his touch."Hal." She spat the name out like it was poison. She grew tense under his arm and pulled away."He knew how much I loved working there and I guess, he wanted to see me suffer, so when Hiram splashed his cash, Hal just took it straight away." She told him, her tone full of venom and she stared hard at the coffee in front of her. She was clutching the cup tightly in her hand, trying to regain control of her breathing.

"Hiram bought the trailer park too." FP told Alice,who's neck snapped towards him so fast he was worried she was going to get whip lash."What? He can't do that." She stated and her grip tightened even more around the cup. He grabbed a hold of her arm and started to tug the mug out of her hands."He can and he has. We both know it." FP stated as he placed the mugs in the sink, Alice following him.

"Well we can't let him get away with it! I'll write an article in The Reguster and publish it!" Alice thought quickly on her feet but failed to remember that she didn't work there."How Alice? You don't work there anymore remember!" FP shouted."Well........ We can get Jughead to write an article in the Blue and Gold. Deliver it to people's houses so people know exactly the kind of man Hiram Lodge is!" Alice told him."No, we're not dragging Jughead into this!" FP shouted, adamant that he was not going to drag Jughead into a bigger mess."He's already involved FP! He already has a vendetta against Hiram. And at least he can write about it!" Alice shouted at FP."I'm not letting him do it Alice. He's my son and I will protect him." FP told her."Well it's not your choice. Hes grown up enough ti make his own choice." Alice said in a low voice. She walked off in a determined stride towards the door."Alice! Alice. Stop!" FP ran after her and as she began to open it, he slammed it shut and spun her around on the spot, not letting go of her arm.

"Let go of me FP." She told him, trying to get him to release his grip on her arm, which only made him grip her arm just a bit tighter."No." He told her angrily."FP...." She mutterrd his name in a warning tone."No. Alice. Im not letting you go out that door and do something you'd regret." He told her but that was the wrong thing to say."How do you know I'd regret it? You don't know me!" She shouted at him, once again trying to get her arm out of his grip. This time she succeeded and she went to open the door again but he pulled her away from the door.

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