act two, scene i.

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the school office flowed with focus.
i always imagined it
as a quick-paced beehive.

busy little bees
working for their honey.

i sat with my hands in my lap
not daring to make a sound.
middle-aged women fluttered here and there
my eyes grew restless and darted across the room
i bounced off many picture frames of greywood alumni twinkling like happy little stars.
i hope their starlight resonates.

a lady cleared her throat,
hinting at me.
her glasses glared brightly as she pointed me to the principal. the queen bee. or the king.
she ushered me to go. i hurried along.

i have never been in the principal's office.
it smelt of oak and a musty cologne,
i wasn't even inside yet.
a foolish question emerged in my brain.
is this what king bees usually smell like?

the wood scent was scent of serenity.
a fraction of a dying beauty.
i rarely go out, but oh,
nature is wildly stunning.

the door was left ajar, so i gently knocked on it
principal moore was writing something down,
perhaps it was a report.
busy as a king bee should be.
he glanced up when he noticed my presence,
and shot a grin.
i stares at his dark complexion
yet, his beard was very white.
the principal nodded his head to the empty seat.

there were two, one was occupied...
by a boy? was he new? was he even a he?
"theo, you're one of the top seniors here in greywood. my nephew, oliver harris, is transferring here as a junior. i thought you could show him around."

finally, he looked at me.
and his eyes are what trapped me.
his eyes.

if eyes are the windows to the soul,
his is effortlessly piercing
right through mine.

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