me oh why me

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my name is Bradley hopkins the 4th and final I am 15 years old  I had blue eyes and I have  partially deceased syndrome and that is fine I mean it sucks being stuck in this damn treatment center but I am leaving soon to go home

oh wonderful Edinburgh I wonder if it's changed at all I hope for the better  my friend holly is apparently pds but in a different treatment center I hope we meet soon there is a meet up soon I love meet ups with other pds treatment center patients hope it goes well .

I met this girl when untreated she was beautiful I couldn't  talk

though neither could she .I noticed that uncompliances getting shot less now I wonder what is happening here.

in noman's land

in the first months of the rising  a young girl she was fresh  still covered in blood but she didn't look months old like  the rest of us corpses I saw her in my old school when passing through that area she was alive then I dont remember much about the rising  but I remembered her because I heard her getting described by one of the soldiers out side the centre you see they do have opening windows but they dont seem to realise that we can hear them I mean wouldnt shouldn't they care more  about security or do they not care I just dont know any more

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