The Letter

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Christina P.O.V.

I sit in the Secret Tower looking down at the unopened letter in my hands, I had received it this morning but I still hadn't opened it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to. The letter had the Royal seal on it, which meant it was from the king. "You know you'll never know what he wants if you don't open it," Zach says from the middle of the room as he practices his sword fighting.

"Leave her alone Zach, how would you feel if mom suddenly sent us a letter from the dead?" Scarlet asks looking up from her book as she sat on the couch. After Zach found out about this place, Jasper so found out, and then Carter, Scarlet was the last one to find out. Zach glares at his sister as she tries to give me more time.

"But Zach has a point, I mean if she doesn't open it she.... Never mind," Jasper starts to say till Scarlet sends him a glare making him go silent. I smile at the two, Scarlet had him wrapped around her finger. Jasper would do anything for her, he would always be there when she needed him. I look over at Carter who is leaning against the wall with a smile on his face as he looks at his friends messing around with each other.

I look down at the letter, taking a deep breath I open it.

My Dear Daughter Christina,

It has come to my attention that you are no longer the little girl that left twelve years ago, you are a young woman. A young woman who deserve an explanation of why I sent you away, that is why this year I am inviting you to my Palace in Darkwood. Now I will not be at the gate to welcome you that will have to wait until the ball that is going to welcome you and your sisters back. But your brothers will be there to greet you, they are quite excited to see you again.

Your King and father


I stare at the letter in complete shock. My father was inviting me to come to his palace in Darkwood! Scarlet walks over to me seeing my shocked look, she gently takes away the letter and starts to read the letter. A smile comes over her face, "Christina this is great! This is what you've always wanted and I'll be there with you!" Scarlet says excitedly but I running what-if scenarios through my head.

"Is there something wrong Princess?" I hear Scarlet say, this draws Zach over who grabs the letter from Scarlet.

"Yes, everything is wrong! What if he doesn't like me when we meet! What if he disowns me o-or arrests me!" I say starting to panic as I pace the room.

"Christina!" Scarlet shouts grabbing my shoulders, "Once he gets to know you, he'll love you." She says smiling at me.

"R-Right." I say not sure if I even believe her.

"Come on we got to go get you packed we leave in a week!" Scarlet says pulling at my hand but I pull away from her grasp.

"Just give me a minute, you can start packing, but I'm going to stay up here for a bit," I say hugging myself. They all seem to understand and they leave me to my thoughts, I sit down at my window seat and open the windows letting the cool summer breeze in. Everything these past few days had gone in a blur, between getting into a fight with my sisters and Carter's talk with me. And now this letter, my father had never bothered to see me let alone send me a letter ordering to come to his castle. I take a deep breath, it was just so overwhelming, I just need someone to talk to.

"Well... you just simply talk to him, it might seem like a one-sided conversation, but I can promise you that he is listening. He hears you no matter what," Carter's words echo in my ears.

"God..." I say my voice breaking. " I don't know how to pray... but I'm to try. I don't know if your real, or here, or even listening to me, nobody seems to these days. But I could really use your guidance, I don't know what to do. I don't even know how to react to my sister's behavior toward me. Or what to do now that my father has sent for me. I-I'm afraid of what he might do to me once we meet. He sent me away for a reason, I don't know if it was because he hated me or because he just could stand to look at me. But I really want to believe that you accept me for who I am, that I'm your child. Like Zach and Carter said, but it's really hard to believe that when everyone dislikes me for some reason or another. If you are listening God, give me faith to believe in you, let me know you are listening. Give me the courage to stand up to my father and siblings when the time comes. Please," I say with my eyes closed.


Sorry that this chapter was so short I was running low on inspiration as I wrote it but the next chapter will be better. It will be the beginning of something new. Anyway leave a review of what you've thought about the last two chapters, hope you enjoyed.  

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