a new beginning

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HAPPINESS . They say that happiness is when you wake in the morning and you wake up happily , with no problems and burden in your mind . Well then , i am never happy because i hate morning. I do not like waking up early in the morning and i do not like going to school or college, now. I passed high school and i was so relieved but then i have college.

The sun is shining brightly , your spirit for your first day should be too. Haha nah.

First day for college
First day waking up in a dorm
First day cursing at 7 o clock in a dorm
Okay let's get started shall we

I roll around and drop myself from the bed because i know my legs are not willing to start today too . I take a quick shower and grab my bag filled with books i will never read in my spare time because right now my only motivation of going to college is because if i don't i will be disown by my parents so yeah. I am not wearing anything fancy too because i do not care nor do i have anything fancy .

I walk and i look at a lot of people (obviously)

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I walk and i look at a lot of people (obviously). There are couples being extremely romantic by making out everywhere and some are just pretty normal by normal i mean holding hands , there are boys , i am guessing by the outfit is the basketball team , throwing their balls ( a/n: please think positively by balls i mean basketball) at each other and the girls fixing their make up and yeah others.
I arrived at my first class. Neuro biology. Studying Neuro means studying nerves and things that run with that and believe me it's freaking hard and you need to have good memory but i still prefer biology more than physics because i hate counting or anything that has something to do with math cause i hate it , i do not like it and i cannot do it. Simple as that. I sit on one of the chairs in the back row. After a while the class is full . Finally our teacher come. He is not that old but not that young either maybe in his mid-thirties (okay maybe old) , kinda handsome and muscular but he looks too serious and his stare is sharp.
"My name is Daniel Alexander and you guys can call me Mr.Alexander, i will be teaching you guys about Neuro biology and believe me i do not like it too so bear with me and if your works pleased me there will be extra credits for your extremely big project for graduation."
A girl was about to ask him something but he stopped her
"What the big project is ? Well i am collaborating with your experimental psychology professor and you guys will be paired with opposite gender as roommates bla bla bla and long story short you need to guess what the project really is and guys come up here and pick a name"
The guys basically are running and jumping and some apparently flying right now to pick a name. 
"Gillian Tigel "
"Raylene Queen"
"Veronica Weller "
"Zoe Mendoza "
And a bunch of other names
"Anastasia Moore"
I stand up and search for that voice . But the class is too crowded.
"Who said Anastasia Moore ? "
"Me! Oh hi!"
In front of me is a perfect looking guy. Everything about him visually is perfect , his hazel eyes , plump pink lips , broad shoulder , arm muscle , his dimples , his neat hair and his bright smile. I am in awe.

"Uhm.. hi.."
"You are Anastasia Moore ?"
"Hi i am Edward Turner"
"You chose me ?"
"Yea i got you"
Suddenly a girl hug Edward from behind , she and Edward looks like the 'it' couple , the look good together , she is Ellie Claire. Ellie and i came from the same high school but she does not know me because i am one of the invisible. She has long blonde hair , slim body with curves , long eyelashes , and she wears very little make up, she is pretty , some guys at my school said that she was a goddess in a form of human and visually it is true, she was perfect beautiful and smart.
"Hi Edward"
"Hi Ellie"
"So i got Jayden , you are not mad aren't you ?"
"No of course not."
"Who did you get?"
"This girl right here , Anastasia Moore"
"Oh hi Anastasia"
That look is sweet , and beautiful but i know that kind of smile she has on her face right now , that is fake. I know and i can differentiate because i am used to it.

"So all of you please sit down with your partner. Please be smart with guessing what the project is and girls please do not get pregnant because i do not want to teach hormonal teenagers and of course i do not want angry mothers coming to school especially to come find me , it's terrifying so boys , control your hormones too. And with that i am out of here you guys are free to do whatever you want except having sex on my desk because i do not want my paper to have sperm on it and yeah i do not care , good bye"

"YESSSSS, I LOVE YOU MR. ALEXANDER!!!!" Students are screaming every where. 

"So Anastasia , may i call you Anna?"  
"Sure , what do i call you ?"
"Just Edward. So ... should we start asking about each other right now?"
"I do not know."
"Hm.. okay i will ask you questions."
"Yeah go ahead"
"Okay what is your hobby ?"
"Favorite color ?"
"Favorite animal?"
"Favorite food?"
"Anything and everything except vegetables."
"Favorite subject?"
"I do not like studying at all"
"What do you want to do after you finish college?"
"Live. I feel like this is an interview."
This is getting weird. I am not used to this situation.
"Oh sorry.."
"It's fine.."
The bell rings and we say goodbye to each other and we go on our separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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