I made an OC-

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(There's a refrence pic above-)

Name: Kellie

Age: 23

Personality: Very childish, but can be serious at times. Is pretty much a post-emo (kinda emo but not exactly-), has pretty bad separation anxiety.

Likes: Emo bands (MCR, P!ATD, FOB, TØP, Ect). Hamsters, Dogs, posters, lava lamps, fun pillows (fluffy, animal, mermaid, ect), Nerf guns, memes, video games, stuffed animals

Dislikes: homophobia, allergies, the dark, sleeping (she often gets nightmares or night terrors), any kind of needle or sharp object, the color white, anything that can break easily, that popping sound when you squish a buggo

Sexuality: bisexual

Friends: Edd, Matt, Tom (sorta, he usually snaps at her childish behavior), Tord

Crush: Tord (I know, I'm unoriginal XD)

Eye color: Green

Hair color: auburn/ginger

Clothes: a black hoodie with a zipper, usually unzipped, revealing a band T-shirt, blue or black jeans, with her hair usually down. Either wearing combat boots or black converse.

Job: waitress

Backstory: she was very strange growing up. She would constantly run around her family's small apartment screaming Lazytown song lyrics, get involved in anything she possibly could, and was always in trouble somehow. Even if her family was poor, and had nowhere to go but Brooklyn, NY, she always had her head up. She was very close with her parents and loved them unconditionally, even if she constantly scolded her father for smoking.

When she had to go to college, she decided to study to be a nurse. She was only a week away from her finals when she got a call from her mother while studying. Her father had passed away from lung disease. She couldn't believe it. The only man she trusted, the man who raised her, was now dead. She was so woebegone that she dropped out of college, and fell into a depression. A year later, when she finally recollected herself, she decided to become a waitress in a busy restruant in Manhattan, NY. About seven months later, her boss told her she would get a raise, but she must continue get job in the UK to do so. she agreed, and moved there. Once she was settled it, and she had a small house, she was out on a walk during one of her days off, and came across Edd and his gang. They got along and became friends quickly. But one of the members stood out to her, Tord. He reminded her so much of her father who passed away just two years ago, and started getting a little flustered around him. Every time she tried to shrug it off, her feelings grew stronger to the point she had to admit to herself it was a crush.

She now lives happily in her small house, a few blocks away from Edd and his gang, she visits them with every chance she can.

The end- XD

Please don't judge me for this, I haven't made an OC since I was 8- OoF-

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