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August 31, 1989
20:30 pm
London, England

August passed like a lighting, beautiful, fast and also slightly painful for both friends.

They were currently cuddled on Ada's makeshift bed on her attic room as they held hands tightly. It was odd how after years of wishing to leave the orphanage, Ada didn't want to leave. She didn't want to leave her friend behind, her muggle friend. The first and only friend she'd ever have.

"Tomorrow" Cory breathed, breaking their comfortable silence. "You're leaving to Hogwarts and leaving this hell. I'm happy for you"

Ada hummed distractedly, "Yeah"

Cory noticing her state, turned to her with a reassuring smile "Hey, no sadness," she chastised, teasingly. She knew her friend so well that she knew under her blank expression she was sad for leaving her alone and she had once told her that showing emotions were showing the others her weakness, and she wasn't weak. And Cory knew it well, her friend was one of the strongest people ever. Even if Adelaide didn't see it that way. "I'm gonna be alright. I'm gonna be expecting you for Christmas"

Ada for the first time in years let her weakness show to her friend, her eyes glimmered with unshed tears as she chuckled softly "You're the best friend ever, Cor"

"I know" Cory smirked softly. "Now, go to sleep if you want to awake early"

Ada sniffled nodding. "Alright"


August had been for the both girls a bittersweet goodbye. They spend all day together doing what they always wished, not caring for the consequences. It was their lastime month together until Christmas and they wouldn't waste any minute.

Cory even came with Adelaide to Diagon Alley when Professor Flitwick came at the middle of August to get her to buy her equipment. He hadn't opposed as the girls had initially expected. The professor had seen the bond between the two and he was completely certain Corinne was going to keep their secret for Adelaide's wellbeing. That's why he brought the two girls, as well making iddle chat with the redhead, instantly liking the bubbly personality she held.

Imagine the surprise Adelaide got when she found out she had her own vault. She was rich. Apparently the Black family was well financied on the wizarding world and her, being part of that family and apparently one of the last living ones, she had access to that money.

Their time on their first magical place was a unique experience for both girls who enjoyed it entirely.

Cory had helped Ada packing, it was as if the redhead was more excited than her own friend to leave that place and that was something that helped Ada with her amusement.

Though, she was as well counting the days to leave. She was relieved that Madame Marianne had been reasonable with her situation. It surprised her, cause she was entirely sure the woman hated her and was scared of her. She had been expecting a "And Don't come back from the freak circus. You stay stay there" but she had surprised Ada. She had been teary eyed, hugging her and saying she was welcome again on the holidays, saying she was proud of the girl she became even if she was scary and antisocial sometimes. It gave her a piece of relief, knowing she wasnt entirely hated.

Thats why when the time came to go to King Cross, Madame Marianne was the one to offer the ride.

"I want it to be me personally the one to drop the little freak to the train for her next prison" The woman cackled, smirking evilly shooting Ada a wink. It made her duck her head so neither of the girls could see her smile. They had agreed upon that Ada was sent to a Boarding School so neither found out about the magical world. It had been a surprise, hearing Madame Marianne to be the first in suggesting that. And she appreciated it.

"Excellent" One of the girls smirked.

Cory narrowed her eyes dangerously "I know that face. And you're not getting Ada's room"

Ada smirked, looking at her friend proudly "It's Cory's now" she said with a threatening voice that sent shivers down the girl's back, forcing her to avoid the girl's green venomous eyes.

The girl nodded quietly making Cory cackle, clapping her hands together. "Let's go! Or you'll miss the train"

Madame Marianne nodded, acting as if the exchange between Ada and the other girl didn't happen, though she couldn't help but eye Ada with uncertainty "Come on"


King Cross was crowded when Ada, Cory and Madame Marianne walked forward.

Ada had her trunk on a trolley and her owl she had bought whom she named Tom. She had thought about it for a few seconds but once Tom entered her mind seemingly out of nowhere, she couldn't stop thinking about it. It had some kind of familiarity she couldn't quite place.

"Platform 9 3/4" Ada murmured as they reached platform 9.

Cory frowned looking around, confused "Where is it?"

Ada frowned crossing her arms thoughtfully as she looked between 9 and 10. Her mind whirling around the possibilities before she could ask for help.

Think, Ada. Why would a platform won't appear here when it clearly says it does exist?

Her eyes fell upon the wall separating both platforms, her lips stretching on a smile as she slowly walked to the wall, aware of the stares on the back of her head.

Because of Non-magical people

She answered her own question in her mind, slowly lifting her hand to the wall, watching in amazement as she instead of the hard brick, a jelly substance danced across her fingertips, watching the brick in waves like when you throw a rock to the water.

Ada smiled in triumph. "It's hidden" she announced dropping her hand and turning to face her company with a smug look "It's hidden from non-magical folks" she said with an innocent shrug

"That's cool" Cory squealed, clapping in awe. "Can we pass?" She asked, a slight quiver on her lip as she slowly realized this would be the last time she'd see her friend in months.

Ada frowned, lacing her hand with Cory's "You will" she said determined

"Well girls" Madame Marianne spoke calmly. "I'll wait here for you, Corinne. Good luck, Adelaide" she nodded curly

"Thank you" Adelaide said sincerely.

Madame Marianne held back a small smile, looking away.

Both girls stared at each other, one hand linked with the other as their free one held the trolley. "At the count of three" Ada informed

"One...." Cory grinned nervously

"Two...." Ada looked at her reassuringly

"Three!" They exclaimed, starting to run toward the wall, closing their eyes for the impact that never came. It was an odd sensation, it felt a cold air going through their bones making them shiver before they opened their eyes.

In front of them a big Scarlett train possed elegantly

"Wow..." The best friends murmured in awe, observing the hundreds of magical people around platform 9 3/4

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