Chapter 17 - Two

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** Please note this sign "~", it means you or another person speak the sign language**

Two. What a number for you now. It's been two months since your relocation in Seattle, you have two men in your life; your husband and brother. And now in your hand is a white stick with, yes, two bars. The excitement makes you sprint out of your house. Direction, Bruce's, Natasha's and Steve's house. Without knocking, you slam the door open and get down to the basement, that was turned into a gym. Clint was training since after the breakfast.

"Clint!" You shout getting down the stairs. "CLIINNTT!"

The way you scream, Clint stops right away worried.

"Honey? What is it? Are you ok?" He shouts too, turning his attention on you.

Natasha didn't stop and gives him a kick and throws him on the floor.


"Clint..." You kneel down next to him. "I...I..."

"What?...What?" He insists looking at you to see if you're hurt.

"I'm... I'm pregnant..." You're finally able to speak, smiling.

"WHAT?... Really?"! He gets up hesitating.

You look at him confused, your smile's fading. "You... You're not happy?"

"No... No, of course not, Honey. I'm really happy. I was just surprised." He replies taking you in his arms for a big hug.

"Congrat, (Name)!" Natasha says, hugging you too. "I'm really happy for you."

Hurry steps are coming down the stairs.

"Is everything ok?" Steve shouts. "I heard (Name) screaming like she was dying."

"I bet she did the whole dictionary in sign language." Tony replies sarcastically.

"No, she's pregnant, Dummy."

"Congratulation, Lady (Name)."

"Ohhhh... You made it! I'm so happy for you..." Jane hugs you so tight even though she has a month old baby in her arms. "You'll see, it will be the best thing that could ever happen to you... Both."

"Excuse me to interrupt you, but Director Fury wants to talk to all of you." J.A.R.V.I.S's voice comes out the small speakers installed in each houses.

"Put him on the screen."

Fury's face appears on the white screen in front of you. You know, seeing his expression, it isn't a good call for you.

"Agent Barton, Stark, Agent Romanoff, Rogers, we need you in S.H.I.E.L.D. Doctor Banner, there is a new biological threat in South America, we need you in the National Laboratory in Perou. You'll receive the missions report in 2 hours. Be ready to fly in thirty minutes."

And his face fades away. Clint look at you with a sorry face.

"Well, at least, Jane will be there." You sigh, dishearten.

"Oh... I'm sorry but I won't. Thor needs to go back to Asgard for a while and I'm going with him. His family haven't seen Molly yet. We are leaving this afternoon. I'm so sorry."

Well, now you will be alone with your brother. Not that you don't want too, but if anything happen to you, your brother can't communicate with other people yet.

"(Name), come with me. I have to give you something before I leave." Tony invites you.

"I'll go pack my bags..." Clint kisses you on the cheek before he goes back home.

You follow Tony to his lab. Installed in his basement, he doesn't have too much space but it's only for a little while. He takes a small device on his work table and hands it to you.

"Here, give this to your brother. It's a translator. If you brother pick the phone, it will do the Morse code with the little red light, right there. And he just have to press the button right here to send a message to the other person. I installed a program that will translate the code into a computerize voice. That way he will be able to have a conversation with other people if needed." Tony smiles at you. "He can bring it anywhere he wants; it works even if he is face to face with someone. I tested it. Now, what do you give me?"

"Thanks Tony, it's really appreciated. Really... But I won't kiss you."

"Aww, come on. Just a little one..."

"No, ask Pepper." You respond turning your back at him. "Thanks again Tony."

"No problem, Hon."

You walk fast back home. There's only twenty minutes left to spend with your husband before he leaves for work. You get up the stairs and sit on the bed. Clint is almost done packing his bags.

"I'm sorry, (Name)." Clint apologizes. "I really want to stay with you, I do... But..."

"It's ok, Clint. I'll survive, but you have to promise me you'll be there for the baby's birth."

"Of course. I'll probably be gone for at least five months. I'll be back for the last four months.

"Promise me."

"I promise." He takes you for a hug and gives you a kiss on the forehead.

You both stay put, not wanting this moment to end. After a few minutes, you hear a horn outside.

"Everyone's ready. I have to go."

He takes his bags and you take the one with his bow. Tristan follows you to see what is going on. In the street, everyone is next to Tony's new acquisition; a Jeep Cherokee, to look a little more like the average population. Before Clint gets in, he turns at you.

"I'll call you as soon as I can." He promises, giving you a kiss.

He, then, turn at your brother.

~ Take care of her for me. ~

~I will. ~

~ Thank you. ~

He looks at you again.

"Please, don't do anything stupid until I get back." He smiles at you.

"No promises." You laugh, with some tears in your eyes.

"I love you." 

The door closes on Clint's smile and Tony start the car. Your brother, seeing your tears, takes your hand, delicately and smiles at you like nothing's wrong. You smile back.

Please, bring him back soon. You think to yourself, thinking of yout family.

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