part 2

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I felt awkward being stared at by the men. *OK, what is it with me when they look at me, It fucking pisses me off.* "What do you mean she's the assassin?" A man with a green bandana said staring at me. I finally got annoyed and answered for my self. "Its true! I'm the assassin. but believe me if I knew Kondou was a friend of Okita, I wouldn't have tried to kill him." I confessed. "Still we will have to see about what we are going to do with you." A man with long black hair came out from behind the others. "Yes Hijikata-san!" All the men said bowing their heads at him. Of course I didn't cause I just thought this guy was a fucking bastard. All of a sudden Okita took my arm and started dragging me back to the headquarters. "Hey I can walk by myself!" I said pulling my arm free. When we got to the headquarters, the man named Hijikata pushed me into one of the empty rooms. "if you try and run I'll kill you." he said coldly to me. When he left I stared at the door with my hand on the hilt of my sword. "Bastard" I muttered quietly. A little after sitting in the room, a man came in. Compared to Hijikata he seemed much kinder. I followed him to a room filled with the men I saw earlier. "Come sit Miss Akaiou." The man with glasses said kindly to me. "So who sent you to come kill me?" Kondou asked with a smiled but I could tell by his tone of voice he was curious. "Some woman named Kaoru Nagumo." I said truthfully. "So what did she look like?" Hijikata asked but I could tell he wouldn't be happy with my answer. "I don't know."  He had standed up with his sword in hand and walked toward me. "Don't Lie!" He shouted at me. Persistant Bastard. "I'm not lying" I said honestly but the bastard still wasn't listening. "How could you not know what she looked like, you made a deal with her. "look She was wearing a mask, I might be a half-demon but I can't see through objects." I said growling a bit. "She's telling the truth." The man with glasses said. "I sure believe her." Kondou said with a big smile on his face. "Come Hijikata we will talk in private." Kondou said putting a hand on Hijikata's shoulder. The 3 men left the room and everyone else gathered around me and told me their names.  Their names were Heisuke, Saito, Nagakura, Inoue, Yamazaki, and Shimada. AS everyone spoke kindly, I couldn't help notice a Pretty Handsome man staring at me from the back of the room. "Hey Sano come over here and meet her she's a real cutie." Nagakura said as he got up and dragged him over toward me. My heart started to beat fast like it never did before. "Hey my names Harada but you can call me Sano." All I did was nodded trying to calm down. He saw my expression and laughed out loud. "You're right Shinpachi she is a cutie." He said still laughing at me. Kill me Suddenly the men that left earlier came back in the rooms. "We have decided to let you stay here." Kondou said smiling at her. I was happy but I could tell by the look in Hijikata's eyes that he wasn't happy with the decision. "My name is Sannan." The man with glasses said kindly. Suddenly a boy in a pink kimono came in carrying tea. I could tell by the way he acted that it was a girl. "Ah Chizuru there you are." Sannan said kindly to the girl that came in. "I want you to meet Kara Akaiou, she will be staying with us." He said turning his gaze to me. I flicked my tail as Chizuru turned her gaze to me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Great I'm not the only girl here. But somethings strange is going on why is she dressed like a boy? My thoughts were interrupted by the howling sound of wolves. I soon remembered Ebony and Night, my black and white wolf companions. "hmm seems Ebony and Night found me." I said as I got up and headed toward the entrance. There stood Ebony and Night. "What amazing beasts." I heard Sannan said behind me. "This is Ebony and Night my wolves and friends." I said kindly. As normally Ebony and Night would they nuzzled me then howled. "They're so beautiful" I heard Chizuru say quietly. Suddenly I got a idea. "I have an idea, to make up for what I did earlier how about i treat you all to dinner and drinks at an inn." I said hoping they accept. "Why not It can also be a welcoming party." Kondou said

We started to leave for the inn when Heisuke notice I had put my hood and mask back on. "What gives why are you covering your face?" He asked curious. "Various reasons" I said avoiding the question best as I could. The truth was as an assassin, there would be people after me. We arrived at an inn and I paid for the food and drinks. We all sat in large rooms. I laughed when Okita got drunk and started acting crazy. After a few hours every one but me and Chizuru  where drunk and unconscious. So we carried them all to their rooms and let them sleep. After that me and Chizuru went and stood on a balcony. "So why do you where a mask?" She asked unexpectedly. "Its a secret." I grinned. "but maybe if you tell me why your dressed like a boy then I'll say." My voice was filled with curiousity. "well.. its hard to explain." she sid quietly. I realized I shouldn't have asked it wasn't my business. "Don't worry you dn't need to say." I said gently. "I will still say why I wear a mask. Its mostly cause as an assassin people will come after me." "Wow" Chizuru said shocked. Suddenly me and her both yawned. We both laughed and said good night. She left the room and went to her own. I stood up and looked at the stars reminiscing in the past.


"Hey no fair Okita give it back." A five year old me chased after a 8 year -old Okita. "Have to catch me first." he yelled over his shoulder. Suddenly my mom appeared and looked at me and Okita with her eyes filled with worry. "Whats wrong mommy" I said running up and hugging her. "We have to go sweetie." She looked at me with sad eyes. "Aww already." My mom nodded and grabbed my hand pulling me away. While in the forest I heard the sound of men laughing ad horses getting closer and closer to us. My mom picked my up ad layed me under a large rose bush. "Stay here no matter what happens." She said kissing my forehead and putting her locket around my neck. My mom stood up and backed away from where she left me. Men on horses surrounded her. My mom faced them bravely. One man gabbed my mom and started cutting her with a knife. Even though I shouldn't of I ran from under the bush and screamed for my mother who was nearly dead. "Restrain her." the man cutting my mother said. A man quickly grabbed me. "No! Please do what you will to me just don't hurt my precious baby." My mom Screamed. The man holding her laughed and killed her. "What do we do with the brat." the man holding me said to the one covered in my mothers blood. "Tie her up. Im sure our lord would liike to have fun with a new toy."

-flashback ends-                                                                                                                

*Dammit why can't I stop remembering what happened.* I opened my eyes to see that it was nearly dawn. I heard chattering out my door and went to see what it was. I exited the room to see everyone preparing to leave. "Hey sleepyhead." Okita said as he came up to me. I just turned my head and ignored him. As we all walked back, Sano patted my head knowing I was upset about something. "Whats wrong?" He asked walkng next to me. "Its nothing." I lied. Suddenly I felt him pull my ear. "Hey What gives?" I asked keeping my ears covered. "Tell me whats wrong." he said with a sly grin. "I just didn't have a good sleep" I said having my ears flat. He smiled and patted my head, cheering me up. Thats when I smelled something I didn't like. The fur on my tail spiked and my ears perked. "Hey whats wrong," Asked Heisuke. Out of no where I started running toward the scent.  I stopped in an alley way. "Come out I know your there. I smell your scent." I growled. Suddenly The woman, Kaoru Nagumo. was there. She was dressed in a soldiers uniform. "Why did you Try and have me Kill Kondue." I asked furious. "Isn't it obvious I want my little sister to suffer." Kauro Answered. "Your sister?" I asked hiding my curiousity. "Chizuru. I want her to Suffer she was always treated special just because she is a female devil!" He shouted. "Now cause you were to weak to finish your job I'm going to kill Chizuru myself." Kauro said laughing. "Touch her and I'll tear out your throat." I said. "Try and stop me she's on her way coming to look for you." I turn and saw Chizuru, Sano, and Okita coming near me. "I wonder how many bullets it will take to kill her." Karou teased before disappearing. I saw the gun man hiding in an alleyway preparing his gun. I yelled for her to stop but she couldn't hear me. The man was about to shot at her. I ran toward her as he took the shot, the bullets going in my back. I collapsed, my vision getting hazy. I saw Okita go over and kill the gun man. Before I completely went unconscious I heard Chizuru and Sano yelling at me to wake up. Then everything went black

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