Chapter Sixteen

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When I awoke this morning, I had the feeling something awful was going to happen, even though two days ago had been so well. My mother was beyond angry when I got back to her hotel room yesterday, to say the least. It's like she knew who I was with. I didn't even speak a single word, and she started screaming at me. She knew I had been with Harry.

And who did she run off to tell? None other than Louis, of course.

Today is Thanksgiving though, and I'm forced to spend all day with her. So, we loaded on jackets and scarves and bore our way through crowds to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The weather had dropped a steady ten degrees over night, thanks to a lovely thunderstorm that hit late in the evening last night. But, nonetheless, we managed to keep warm under several layers of clothing, maybe even too many layers. I was sweating under all of it.

The parade was fantastic, better in person than on television. My mother was angry at me the entire time, however, and completely ignored me, so I enjoyed the parade from several feet away from her. My sister accompanied her.

After we stopped by a Starbucks, my mother wanted coffee and she needed to use the restroom, we made our way back to the hotel to get out of the layers of clothing as the day warmed up. And who was there when we arrived?

Louis laid on the couch, a Sprite in one hand and a remote in the other. "How was the parade?" He asked. Why was he here?

My mother smiled at him, almost too much, like it was such a great thing that he was here. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes; she had obviously invited him. "It was wonderful! I wish you could have joined us!"

He shook his head. "I couldn't, I was studying for this test I have on Monday."

Maybe it was the way he said it, but it had sounded awfully unrealistic. Louis studying? The only studying I have ever seen him do is studying the back of a beer bottle. He isn't the type to be huddled over schoolbooks, he's always been athletic and a big party-goer. I couldn't help but feel as though he was lying.

My mother looked over at me, a smile wide on her lips. "How lovely," she said, emphasising her words. I nodded, trying my best to keep my expression neutral.

"Why don't you stay for lunch?" My mother asked. "I was planning on making some sandwiches."

He nods, smiling the slightest. "I would love to, Ms. Hayes."

"Lena, why don't you go sit with our guest?"

I look over at my mother, whose smiling but not genuine. She tilts her head towards the lounges, as if telling me I have to go sit down, and I obey. It's not that I don't love Louis, because I do, trust me, but I hate when my mother gets like this. She likes to be in charge, and sometimes it's annoying to always have to follow her rules. Nevertheless, I sit down beside Louis.

"Do you mind?" He asks, motioning to the remote.

I shake my head. "Go ahead."

He presses the power button, and the television springs to life, the game that was on previously now illuminates on the screen. He takes a sip of his Sprite and turns to me.

"How is your Thanksgiving so far, Lena?" He asks nonchalantly.

I shrug. "Alright."

Louis nods several times. I sense that he's trying to tell me something, but doesn't know how to word it. He scratches behind his ear and opens his mouth twice, but shuts it right away. I fold my hands over themselves, awkwardly waiting for him to say something.

"How are you and Harry?" He finally asks, the question catching me off guard.

I smile, thinking of our kiss just yesterday, which feels much longer. I make a mental note to call him, or at least a text, as soon as Louis leaves. "We're doing good, great, actually."

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