From: Mama To: Baby

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I knew it...
From the day the pregnancy test came back positive
And each passing month passing when you were growing in my belly
And finally to now holding you in my arms, your tiny fragile ones toward the sky as if embracing life, welcoming it into your grasp.
From that day on i knew life had changed as i knew it.
The very moment i held you, you became my everything.
You became my world, the center of my attention, my very breath.
And as i gaze into beautiful face with features that matches my own i can already tell that a future with you is going to be a wild adventure.
Wild, but happy.
And i can't wait to see what it brings!
Even though your father is not in the picture it wouldn't even matter there would be so much love that it will fill the void that he left with tons more left over.
When i look into your eyes, so brown and so endless you could drown in them, I see  pureness and wonder not knowing of the pain that this world produces.
And i hope you never have to find out.
Just the mere thought of you feeling pain makes me want to mold you back within me and shield you from the evil, cruel things of this world...
But i can't and i won't, because the very first lesson you are taught is pain.
It is what makes you human.
And the thing about pain is , it is a temporary thing.
Yes it will hurt, but eventually it will fade into nothing and leaving you feeling stronger.
So baby whatever happens, from this point on we will depend on each other.
You will be my strength.
And i will be your rock,
We're in this crazy life for the long run.
And i couldn't be anymore lucky to have you with me.
- From: Mama
To: Baby
P.S. I love you to the moon and back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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