ch. 6

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Polina's P.O.V

When i woke up this morning the first person that came to mind was Carter. I remembered how upset she looked after she saw Luke with that other girl and i could'nt help but to fell bad. i got into the shower and did my normal necessities and i pulled out my outfit. Blu denim ripped skinnies with a XX tee shirt with a black cardigan and my white Docs.

I straightened my hair and applied some mascara and eyeliner. When done I went downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal and scrolled through my twitter. Just the usual morning. When done i kissed my dad goodbye and was on my way.

Luckily I had my own car and was able to drive myself to school. When i reached the school i was met with the sight of the boys and Carter getting out of Ashton's car.

I walked over and greeted them.

"Hey Carter, Hey boys."

"HI Polina."

Carter gave me a cute smile and waved to the boys before walking off with Luke. Well I guess things were okay between them now. I turned and notice Calum blushing and looking around nervously.

Calum was the one I had a crush on since last year. We were good friends, but I was afraid that was all we would be.

"What's the matter Calum?"

He looked to me with a blushing and muttered out a small nothing and I just shrugged. He must have a headache or something. I waved to the boys and went to go catch up with Carter.

Calum's P.O.V

"Mate, it's so obvious that you like her."

I looked over to Ashton shocked. How could he have known? I didn't tell anyone and i thought I hid my feelings pretty well, but i guess not.

"When did you find out?"

"Just now."

I gaped like a fish out of water. I really like Polina, but I think she only sees me as a friend.  

"Why don't you ask her to come to the fair with us?"

"Really? Is that OK?"

He nodded and walked off. Well i guess i should plan out my date with Polina.

Carter's P.O.V 

When I got to my locker, Luke said goodbye and i waited for Polina. I knew she had a crush on Calum because she told me. I was surprised, but they would be so cute together.

I decided to try and set them up. i want Polina to be happy. 

She finally arrived and we were off to our first class. 


Finally when lunch came we all sat at our usually table. And surprisingly Calum did something that i didn't think he had the balls to do. He actually invited Polina to come with us to the fair. I was already planning on asking her but Calum doing it is just better.

Polina blushed and muttered out a yes, sure and that was that.

During Art me and Polina worked on our projects, she was doing her friend Christian and i was doing Michael. I sketched out  his face line and then my light was blocked by a tall figure.

I looked up to see Luke standing there with a nervous blush on his face.

"Hi Luke, what' up?"

"Umm, will you let me do my portrait of you?"

I stood dumbfounded. But I thought....?

"I thought you were doing it with that blonde chick?"

"Haha, i told her she could draw me. but i never said i would draw her."

I let a breathy laugh and nodded my head. He nodded and walked back to his table. Out of the corner of my eye i could'nt help but think i saw him fist  pump and mutter yes!

I laughed again and worked more on my painting.

Michael's P.O.V

My painting of Carter was not turning out so well. Her ears were closer to her neck and her eyes drooped at the ends and she had no eyebrows

I laughed under my breath and kept sketching. I wasn't in the same class as them, but for some strange reason the school had two art classes at the same time with two different teachers. I wish i was in the same class as everyone else.

Luckily I could go to the oother classroom and get  "supplies".

I raised my hand and asked and they just waved me off so off i went. I walked in and went to the back where the others were and noticed Luke glancing up and looking at Carter every so often. I guess he was drawing her too. I looked over Ashton's shoulder and also noticed he was drawing Carter.

Well this is strange.

Carter's P.O.V 

Michael had walked in the room and I waved to him and he waved back. He went over and looked at Ashton and Luke's paintings and i noticed his eyebrows furrow in confusion. he glanced up at me and back to their paintings. I wondered if they were really that bad.

Class eventually ended and we only had two classes left. hopefully they would go by fast.


The three hours of torture that we had left eventually ended and we were on our way home. I must've fallen asleep somewhere along the way because the next thing i knew i was woken up to being dangled off someones shoulder. I yelped and shock and heard Ashton chuckle. He was the one carrying me.

When we walked on he flung me onto the couch and I bounce off onto the floor. I pretended to be in serious pain and boy did they fall for it. Ashton and Michael came running up to me and started questioning me on what hurt and i just stayed in the fetus position trying so hard not to laugh.

I noticed that Luke and Calum had came by too and were trying to get my attention. I started to fake sob and accidentally let out a giggle but they didn't notice. I guess Luke had enough because he yanked me up by my shoulders and i just burst out into hysterics.

I laughed so hard and i did even harder when i saw their faces. I was in tears and i could'nt breath. i wish someone got this on video.

When  i was done I was caught off guard by Luke pulling me up off the floor and embracing me.

"Please don't scare us like that Carter. You really had me.. i mean us worried."

I blushed and nodded before he set me done and started a movie.

Ashton's P.O.V

When we all noticed that Carter wasn't having a heart attack, i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding. I was so worried, i thought that i had actually hurt her. I would never forgive myself if i did.

As i stood up i noticed that Luke was giving Carter a hug.], and she hugged him back.

My chest started to hurt and i felt this strange anger for Luke. I wanted to yank them apart.


Did i like Carter?


ch. 6 you guyss. this story is getting spicy. tomorrow is when they will go to the fair, so it'll be a Saturday and today was a Friday so yeah.

well thanks for reading and let me know if you liked it (: love youu.

- e.s

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