Chapter 8, she what?!

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Your p.o.v

I felt so much better after telling sans all about what happened. I felt like a weight was lifted off of me.

Chara's p.o.v

I could hear it all. I listened through the door, and I heard the whole conversation. I was heartbroken and hoping to get the point across that I wasn't there to kill or harm another being. I wanted to be peaceful, and not be seen as a threat to her. I also didn't want her to see Phrisk as a threat either, that was different. I'm not that person anymore. I heard the door open, Sans walked out with (y/n). She went into the kitchen, Sans walked up to me. "You heard the whole conversation didn't you?" He asked me. "Yes, I feel heartbroken." I responded, "hey, it's ok kid. She said she just needs you to earn her trust." He sounded sympathetic. "I'm going to try my best. I don't want this to ruin everything." I told him, "that's the spirit kiddo. Welp I'm heading back, Papyrus is probably wondering where I am." He teleported away.

Your p.o.v

I went into the kitchen, my ears weren't as droopy anymore. Toriel was cooking, she noticed me and was very surprised. "My child! You are out of your room!" She hugged me and I hugged her back. "Yeah, I know it's a surprise for me too." I told her. "Why is that my child?" She asked putting me down. "Well, I was having bad dreams...and now I told someone about them, they helped me feel better, and now I'm ready to come out of my room." I told her grabbing an apple (if not an apple grab a different large fruit) I walked into the living room and sat down on a couch. Chara walked in and sat on the opposite side of the couch. So he knows about my nightmares. "I'm sorry..." He said, I was confused. "What are you sorry for Chara?" I asked him. "I'm sorry that I gave you those nightmares." He looked sad. I felt bad, I just met him and he was so kind to me. I shouldn't have locked myself up in my room like that. "No, I'm sorry. You were so nice to me and I got so scared just because of a dumb nightmare. That's me judging you off of something that happened in the past." I looked at him with a sympathetic look on my face. He looked so surprised by my words, his eyes lit up. "Thank you. I guess I really needed that." He told me, I felt the same way. "Alright. Well you've gained my trust." I told him smiling a little. Then Phrisk entered the room, "oh hey what's going on in here?" He asked with his usual shark like grin. "Oh, well (y/n) finally came out of her room and-" Chara was cut off by Frisk running into the room up to me and giving me a huge hug. I blushed, gotta admit, frisk is really sweet. "I'm so glad you finally got out of your room!" He shouted then put me back on the couch. "Aw, thanks Frisk." I told him, my face was still a little red. Kara entered the room, he could hear the commotion from down the hall. "Geez could you guys be any more loud?" He asked sarcastically. Phrisk laughed an Kara's remark, and then walked over to Frisk. "So, you are very energetic today." He said. "Yes, of course I am, (y/n) finally came out of her room!" He jumped up. Chara scooted over closer, realizing that he was able to sit near me again. I giggled at the boy's antics, they were so funny. They all stared at me for a bit because if my giggle, they're faces were a little red.


*Authors note*
Hey guys, thanks for reading this chapter and OMG guys seriously, 2.9k reads!? I'm so thankful to all of you who read my book. Also should I add the boys to the title? "Chara, Frisk, Phrisk, and Kara x reader?" Would you guys like that? Or no? Bai! Author out.

702 words.

(Kara)Chara X Neko Reader X Frisk(Phrisk)Where stories live. Discover now