Chapter 1: Grandparents

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Chapter 1: Elsa's POV

It was Summer soon and my parents had already announced that I was going to be spending the whole summer with my grandparents in Canada.

-yayyyyy so much fun- I thought to myself note the sarcasm.

Most summers I spent alone although I spent almost all of my time alone these days because my younger sister was little miss popular and we had become too different for each other. I didn't spend summers with friends like most people because I secluded myself from the world. People have said I'm depressed and I need to get out more but I knew I was different from everyone else.

I was headed out to Canada in two days for three whole months. I was dreading the trip more by the hour as it neared. Although I loved my family I just didn't like going out and doing things constantly which is what my grandparents would always do, drag me around town and ugh it was just awful to say the least.

"Elsa sweety have you packed for your trip yet!?" I heard my mother yell which snapped me out of my daze.

"No mom I will soon!" Who am I kidding though I will do it tomorrow.

"Okay that's fine! Don't pack a lot of clothes because I'm sure Grandma will want to take you shopping probably!"

"Okay mother" I shout back down.

I may have forgotten to mention this but my family is kind of never ending rich because of some crazy royalty thing, I haven't looked much into it but I know that my grandkids great grandkids will be set for life.

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