Chapter 2: The Move

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I was headed to the airport for my six hour flight to go spend the rest of my eternal days with my grandparents.

My Mom kept reminding me to be on my best behavior and to respect Grandma and Grandpa since they would probably end up spoiling me the entire time I was there. I knew to be on my best behavior but by no means was I happy about going.


"Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts we will be landing shortly" the flight attendant chirped over the intercom.

I was happy the flight was coming to an end after all I had ended up sitting next to an all too chatty ten year old and their snoring grandpa. Being off this plane shopping might be better than this I thought, I was dreading my trip already.


I walked out of the gates to find my grandma and grandpa wait for me.

"SWEETY IT'S SOO GOOD TO SEE YOU!" my grandmother squealed.

-And so the sucking up begins-

"It's good too see you to grandma it's been too long!" I knew I would be found shot dead in my bedroom by my mother if I didn't act nicely so I did.

"We have so many things planned for us darling it's going to be quite a vacation for you I promise" my grandmother inquired as we walked to go get my luggage.

"She's right we have missed you and there will definitely be plenty to do although I will be down at the lake house part of the time your here unfortunately" my grandfather stated as he pulled me into the bear hug he's known for.

"Ahhh that's to bad, what will you be doing at the lake house?" I questioned letting my curiosity get the better of me.

"I will be down there with some other men on a fishing trip because trout is in season right now."

"Oh I see, well it sounds like you will be having plenty of fun while you will be gone which is pleasant to hear." I spoke in a gentle voice.

"Yes indeed, I believe that there will be a young man coming along with us that is about your age. I'm sure he would like to meet you Elsa." My grandfather once again was at it trying to get me to make new friends. I wasn't going to give in that easily though.


My grandparents house was just like I remembered it, a big cozy house that was out in the country. Although there was silence, and tranquility out here by no means was it permanent.

My grandparents didn't have that kind of lifestyle, they may have been retired and rich but they were more active than your average teenager. Always doing thing, seeing friends, going into town they were ALWAYS busy.


I walked to my room that I always stayed in and it was exactly how I remembered it. Grey walls with blue panels around the bottom half of the walls. I may not like my visits here but I love my room. My memory foam mattress, beanbag chair, desk, and photos. I always feel cozy and safe in my room.


After getting settled in I decided I needed to get some coffee, although I may not enjoy people's company I am happy to go out and get coffee any day.

"Grandmother I'm heading out to town to get some coffee I will be back later!" I shouted as I walked down the stairs.

"Okay dear, would you like Frank to drive you?" She called from the living area.

"No! I would much rather drive myself thank you though!" I called as I approached where she was.

"Alrighty well what car would you like to take? We have the Porsche, and a new Lexus RC F as well."

" I think I will take the RC F." I added as I walked in the room.

"Alright, well the keys are hanging in the garage and it's the blue on the far left."

"Okay, thanks grandma" I spoke as I gave her a light hug then darted to the garage because I was no longer comfortable with the situation.

As I grabbed the keys I began to admire the many cars in their spacious garage. I looked to my far left to find the RC F exactly where she had instructed it to be. Sleek, deep blue paint job, windows tinted to the point where they looked black; this was my kind of car.


The drive wasn't bad considering we live so far out of town it took me about twenty minutes to get into town in the first place. As I pulled into the Starbucks I wasn't happy by the site I saw. At least fifteen cars in line almost backed out of the parking lot and my problem was that I wasn't a people person but I really wanted to get a coffee and an hour wait wasn't going to do.

What am I gunna do I thought I should just wait in line but then again I could get over the fact that I didn't like civilization and go in and get my coffee in less than ten minutes.

I had decide what I was about to do.

I took a deep breath and clicked the ignition off and pulled myself out of the car. I was not surprised to see all the shocked faces that were staring at the car I had just drove here in because it was rather expensive. But I ignored them, locked my car and continued to walk inside.

I enjoyed the smell of rich coffee beans, and caramel that filled the air it put me at ease. But the bodies in the room were not as comforting.

As I walked to the counter I had already knew what I wanted to order.

"Hello, what can I get you?" The young barista at the counter asked me.

"Hi, I would like to get a tall caramel latté with cream and an expresso shot and a brownie oven heated as well." I stated since the tension in my body would not ease.

"Alrighty I will get that right out for you it will be five dollars and fifty cents and can I get a name for that?" She chirped.

"Elsa and here's my card."

"Alrighty have a nice day!"

"Yep, thanks"

"You're welcome" she smiled widely.


It took ten minutes for my coffee to finally come out but when it did I was happy to have something warm because it was getting chilly as evening approached.

As I was walking out the door I was met with a cold slam to my side to look up to find a shy boy shocked by what had just happened.

"I'm so sorry to bump you I wasn't watching where I was going, I'm Jack by the way." He said his name like he was unsure he should've said anything at all.

"No it's alright I'm elsa by the way." There was something about him that was unlike other people I didn't have the sudden disliking feeling I always did when around others.

"Cool, well I guess I will see you around?" Jack questioned as I was walking out the door.

"Yeah I guess so" I couldn't keep the smile from spreading across my face.

As I walked back to my car I had a warm feeling inside and it wasn't from my coffee.


Authors note:

Hey everybody I hope that this long chapter is everything everyone was hoping for. I also apologize for any misspellings I had I get this out tonight.

I love all of you please comment and like!

Stay Freaky 💙

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2014 ⏰

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