Poem 4

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So I found out that you died today.

'Personal decision' that's what they said.

But I really can't seem to understand why you would want your OWN self dead? (Whyy?)

Did I or someone else not make an impact in your life? (Clearly NOT!)

Did you not see something worth living for? (Definitely NOT!)

Was the tunnel too long, too dark that you HAD to give up just before you saw the light? (Well you did so...)

What I fail to comprehend is how one can watch, have something so precious so dear as life and wish theirs disappear in the blink of an eye?! (Am I missing something here?)

Maybe I'm too angry and hurt now to try and understand but for now I'm just too annoyed to be that rock you clearly DIDN'T need to stand... (But like you're not even my friend though?)

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