Chapter 1: Midnight

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It was a cool night in Magnolia and Lucy was walking home from the fairy tail guild. Lucy silently hummed to herself, when she saw a figure collapsed on the ground off to the side of the sidewalk. Lucy approached the man and when she was close enough she realized that the man was Midnight. Lucy also realized that Midnight was seriously injured. Lucy looked around as she stood over Midnight. She had no idea what to do. As Lucy starred down at the injured Midnight, she couldn't help, but feel sorry for him. So, Lucy managed to Midnight back to her apartment bedroom. Lucy layed Midnight on her bed and quickly went into the bathroom to get some bandages. Lucy also grabbed a washcloth and placed it on Midnight's forehead. Then, she began to treat Midnight's injury.

"Thank god it wasn't deep." Lucy said quietly to herself when she had finished. Lucy watched as Midnight slept and it made her smile. As Lucy started cleaning up the supplies, Lucy started to wonder what would happen if the guild master caught her helping an enemy.

"Oh my god! If the guild master finds out I'm helping the enemy, who knows what he'll do!" Lucy said, panicking. As Lucy panicked, Midnight had began to wake up. Midnight groaned and Lucy quickly turned to look at him. Midnight sat up and put his hand on his head and then looked around the room. His gaze landed on Lucy and Midnight quickly jumped to his feet, rewarded with a sharp pain in his shoulder. Midnight held his shoulder as Lucy made him sit back down.

"Take it easy. Your wound needs a little more time to heal." Lucy said gently. Midnight starred at her, suprised.

"Why are you helping me? I'm your enemy." Midnight said.

"I couldn't just leave you out there on the street, injured." Lucy said. Midnight starred at her for a few moments in silent as she put away the bandages.

"Thank you, miss." Midnight said. Lucy turned towards him and smiled.

"My name is Lucy and you don't have to thank me." Lucy said with a kind smile. All of a sudden, Lucy could hear Natsu's voice coming up the stairs towards her room.

"Hey, Lucy! Where are you?!" Natsu called out as he made his way up the stairs. Lucy began to panic.

"Oh no! Oh no! Why is Natsu here!? Midnight, quick hide in the closet!" Lucy whispered in a panic. Midnight hide in the closet and as soon as he closed the door, Natsu burst into Lucy's room.

"Yo, Lucy!" Natsu said as he plopped down on Lucy's bed.

"Natsu! What are you doing here in my apartment!?" Lucy yelled irritated. Midnight peeked through a crack in the door and saw that Lucy was irritated at Natsu and Natsu didn't seem to care. That night, Midnight had no choice, but to sleep in the closet and when he woke up the next morning, he saw that Lucy and Natsu were gone. Midnight left the closet and stretched and then he saw a note on Lucy's desk. Midnight picked up the note off the bed and began to read it. Midnight saw that the note was from Lucy and she was telling him to stay in her apartment until she got back. Midnight smiled at the note and then his stomach started growling. Midnight walked downstairs and he instantly saw a plate covered with tin foil with his name on it on the counter. Midnight saw that Lucy had made him breakfast and Midnight smiled and began eating. As Midnight ate his breakfast, he thought about Lucy, which made him blush and shake the thought away. When Midnight was finished eating, he put his plate in the sink and went back to Lucy's room. He laid back down on her bed and instantly fell sound asleep.

Later that day, when Midnight woke up again, he looked at the clock on Lucy's desk and saw that it was 5:45 pm already. Midnight slowly started to get up out of the bed.

"Lucy should be getting home soon. Maybe I can make dinner for her to pay her back for this morning and yesterday, too." Midnight said as he went downstairs. Midnight decided that he would make spagetti for Lucy. When Midnight was putting dinner on the table, he heard the apartment door open and he saw Lucy walking into the room. Lucy walked over to the table and saw that Midnight had made dinner.

"Did you make this?" Lucy asked.

"I thought I could pay you back for everything you've done for me." Midnight said looking away and blushing. Later that night after dinner, both Midnight and Lucy began to clear off the table. When they both reached for the same plate their hands touched and they both blushed and turned away from each other. Lucy was holding her face as it turned bright red.

"What should I do?! I'm actually falling for him." Lucy thought to herself. Midnight was biting his thumb as his face also turned bright red.

"I love Lucy, but how can I tell her how I feel about her? Will she listen? I got it! I'll write a note and put it on her desk for her to read. She can read everything that I feel about her." Midnight thought to himself. As Midnight put the plates in the sink, Lucy went upstairs and into the bathroom to shower. Midnight looked around and found a piece of paper and then started writing on it. When he was finished, Midnight went upstairs to Lucy's room and put the note on her desk where it was noticable. Then, Midnight laid back down on Lucy's bed and as he waited for her, he started to doze off. Midnight was half asleep when Lucy came back into her room.

"Why my bed?" Lucy asked herself, when she saw Midnight half asleep on her bed. Then, Lucy spotted the note Midnight made on her desk. Lucy walked over to her desk and picked up the note and began reading it.

"When I first saw you my heart almost stopped. The way you smile, so kindly at me fills my heart with warmth. The way you look at me so caring with those beautiful eyes, it makes me happy that I could be near you. So, I was wondering, will you let me be yours? Love Midnight."

 Lucy smiled at the note and she turned her head towards Midnight and then, she saw that he was awake again, but he was also slowly drifting off again.

"Will you let me be yours, Lucy?" Midnight asked tiredly. Lucy walked over to the side of the bed and sat down on the floor, looking at Midnight's tired eyes with kind eyes.

"Yes. We'll always be together from now on." Lucy said and Midnight smiled.

"Then, I will go out on jobs, too. That way I can help pay the rent." Midnight said drifting back into sleep and Lucy smiled kindly at his sleeping face.

After that, Lucy and Midnight had to keep their love for each other a secret from the fairy tail guild and they did for a whole month. But one day had broke that record.

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