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"The medieval kabbalists believed that God's self could not be understood, but God has revealed attributes that interact with each other and the world. These are known as sefirot. Just as human beings are made up of various internal traits or tendencies of personality, all of  which interact with one another, so too God is made up of various internal traits or "drives". The imagery used to describe the sefirot and their relationships is often visual and physical, even sexual."

___from Essential Judaism: A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs & Rituals.




Dua sisi koin.

Serupa namun tak sama.

Takdirnya berbeda.

Yang satu akan bertahan,

Sementara yang lain harus dalam bayang.

Tidak adilkah?

Apakah dunia sesungguhnya memang...

Benar-benar adil?

Jika pun benar,

Mengapa semua ini harus bermula dari rasa iri?


Tsukiuta © Fujiwara (Movic), Jiku

TSUKIUTA ORIGIN: Elegus © Altoire

Genre: Drama, Fantasy

Rated: T

Warning: OOC, Typo, Gaje, Absurd, dll





☆ Heaven

Shimotsuki Shun as Daath (11st Sefirah, "knowledge")
Fuduki Kai as Chesed (4th Sefirah, "kindness")
Haduki You as Geburah (5th Sefirah, "dignity")
Nagatsuki Yoru as Tiphereth (6th Sefirah, "beauty")
Kannaduki Iku as Hod (8th Sefirah, "glory")
Minaduki Rui as Binah (3rd Sefirah, "understanding")

★ Underworld

Mutsuki Hajime as Kether (1st Sefirah, "creation")
● Yayoi Haru as Netzach (7th Sefirah, "eternity")
● Uduki Arata as Hod (8th Sefirah, "glory")
● Satsuki Aoi as Chockhma (2nd Sefirah, "wisdom")
● Shiwasu Kakeru as Tiphereth (6th Sefirah, "beauty")
● Kisaragi Koi as Malkuth (10th Sefirah, "kingship")


Kali aja ada yang belum tau sosok originnya mereka gimana, seiring chapter bakal ku tampilin ehehe semoga yang ini ga discontinued juga /slapped

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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TSUKIUTA ORIGIN: ElegusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang