||TV Shows||

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This is pretty simple to understand so just listen up

OC forms are on individual roleplay pages (Doctor Who + Form, etc.)

Forms aren't usually necessary if you just prefer to play as canon characters. So no form, I assume you don't want to use an OC. Pretty simple :3

This basic idea will follow a lot for other main roleplay sections (definitely for video games, musicals, and others to come ^~^) so I'm diving into detail right here, don't mind me

Scenario ideas most likely wont be posted here, but as I come up with good major ones for topics (even ones outside TV shows) I'll be putting them in a separate book I will have dedicated to roleplay prompts

I'd say around 60% of the time in these sections I have OCs for certain roleplay pages, like I definitely have 2 major ones for Sherlock, and several others, but I only use them if I have a scenario idea which would be in the book I mentioned earlier (which currently does not exist yet because I am lazy, unprepared, and busy with hella schoolwork)

Alright, don't wanna annoy you, you most likely skimmed over this anyway which is totally cool. Just have fun bros

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