To my parents

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Dear Mom and Dad, 

All I cna really say is that I honestly don't miss you. I locked myself in my room to escape you and I avoided your questions to get away from you. I can imagine a life without you one better than this current one. You never treated me fairly and when ever I said anything you would always shoot my ideas down and call them stupid as they were my best. I'm sorry I wasn't the best child, or that I wasn't the brightest I had issues and I am aware of that. I think that I was adopted as i never truly fit in I tried as hard as I could but i just never did, I'm sorry that I was never good enough that I wasn't super smart or that I couldn't be well behaved, you don't know how hard I tried and whenever I told you that I was trying my hardest you just told me to try harder as I was never good enough for you. You always told me to try harder to be like you, to not talk back and question your decisons but I'm sorry that I was never good enough for you, but maybe I will be when I'm dead.

-My dead soul

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