The glimpse of hope

92 18 25

A day passed

Another came

The moon said its fairwell

And the sun shone as well

With her still sitting in her room

Shoulders hanging low

Mind sinking in his own pool of thoughts

Eyes drowning in their own tears

Silence prevailing

Calmness ruling

Sighs and short breaths being the only sounds heard

Until a low squeak comes to life from the door hinges

And a cold breeze enters making all its way to her skin sending goosebumps all over

She knows someone is there

Standing by the door

And frankly she knows who that is without even looking his way

She feels the aura of the room changing

She feels a certain kind of energy beaming

As she hears the footsteps coming closer and closer

Her heart beats quicken making it harder to breathe

But still she doesn't look up

One step

Two steps

Two becomes three

The "someone" approaches her slim figure without saying a single word but then crouches in front of her

She has this sensation that time has stopped

That the earth has stopped spinning

That time was frozen

He is here

In front of her

The one she once loved

The one she still loves

The one she'll always love

But also the one she left because her mind told her so neglecting all the intense begs and cries from her broken heart

The one she left because she loved

The one she left because she cared about

The one she left because she doesn't want to drag to the darkness her soul has sunk in

The one she doesn't want to hurt because in him she sees all the purity of life

In him she sees beauty itself

Integrity and sweetness

Life and joyfulness

When the world heard her scream and shout

Yet no living ears have heard her sobs

Instead of his

She couldn't do this to him so she left without a goodbye

But apparently he didn't get the message

He didn't oblige to reality

He didn't accept her untold sincere apology

And here he was kneeling in front of his love

In front of the girl his heart goes wild while around

she's tornHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin