Introduction {Important}

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13 Rules of Alinsky

RULE 1: Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have

RULE 2: Never go outside the experience of your people the result is confusion, fear, and retreat...

RULE 3: Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.

RULE 4: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. 

RULE 5: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.

RULE 6: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.

RULE 7: A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

RULE 8: Keep the pressure on.

RULE 9: The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

RULE 10: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. 

RULE 11: If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside

RULE 12: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

RULE 13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Everyone should know those rules and encourages themselves that one day, maybe, they could make it. They could have the life that they wanted independently from the social class they are. In our world, we have three "classes" the lowest, where people are bounded with a certain way of life,the middle , where people are more free (and have the necessary) to do what they want and the higher class, where people have the power to do whatever they want, whenever the want. As for me unfortunately i belong at the lower class. Of course i didn't choose that, i was born in it. I carry the tattoo on my shoulder that proves where i belong (every class has its significant tattoo after all). People from my class has the least opportunities in their lifes; their job are the lowest ones, they have to follow specific (and weird) rules that the goverment wants, they don't have freedom of their speech and they have to work for the middle or upper class. We live between the people of middle class, we share same experiences, smae ways of entertaining but of course we don't have their chances. They have more money than us, they have the right to express their choice through votes and could actually choose the job they want. As for the school system,we share the same rules. Both of us, study together , at the same time, the same subjects. But at the last year of school, while they have to pass the exams and have access to higher education, we have to choose from five categories what we want to study. The studies are: Agriculture, personal services, beauty and care, mechanic and cleaning. During the age of 14 till when we finish the school,we have to live by ourself , away from our family, at an appartment that the government provides. They support that living by ourself, it would make us independent and teach us how to survive later in our life. At that period of time, the government support us financially, by giving us money till we finish the school. That's why some student,from the lower class mainly, choose to cut in class.

It's quite unffair ,if you ask me, but there is nothing we can do about it. We always admire the way of living in the middle class and we try to take after them,even though we will never make it. Most people from the middle class are making fun of us, disrespect us and usually they try to use us, as many times as they can. They think, we are lower than them...we really are. As for the high class...nobody has seen them, they don't exist around us. Nor us neither in the middle class, it is said that they live somewhere away from us, in a society which everything is perfect. Most of them are the billionaires, politicians and people with a worldwide fame. I have see some of them on the television, but never in the real life.

That's how the things work here. In the lower class, we have to fight for our future, a future that we can't and won't choose. It is choosen, from the goverment and from the lifestyle of each class.

I  am Park Chaeyoung and this is my story.

A/N: Hello and thank you for reading the introduction of " Ileagal ". The story is going to be mostly rp based. That means that in every chapter there would be only dialogue,  description of the actions that the characters would do and their thoughs, but there would be almost no narration. Also, the story would be interactive. What interactive means? That means that they would be various images and videos through thay text that would help you have a more vivid expirience with the story. Except of that, later in the story, there will be some choices that you could choose from , making you have the "control" of the characters behave, likes , actions etc. Those choices would have a major impact on the story.

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