First Impressions

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Humming a simple tune to myself, I lean back in my chair, watching space fly by. I've already set coordinates into my fighter as well ensured that no one was tracking me. Now all I have to do is wait.

It's quite boring. I just have this tiny little fighter, there is a bit of food, but I know that this trip with at least take a quintant before reaching the Castle. Though, it could easily take more time.

Sighing, I rest my head on my hand, watching the stars flash by the glass of my ship. I heard that on some planets, the stars will twinkle. It's due to the atmosphere surrounding the planet. I bet it's pretty, watching the stars twinkle rather than see them there, stagnant, unchanging until one bursts and dies.

I glance around my fighter once more, maybe if I look a bit more I might be able to find something to mess with. I stumble out of my chair, legs having fallen asleep, and slowly walking around the fighter, keeping my balance by always having one hand on the wall. Crouching, I dig through a box that was shoved into the corner, it has random items in it. There is a ragged purple rag/towel, a black band, and a strange cube. It has 6 colors on each side as well as 9 small squares on each side. Tilting my head, I pick it up. It moved! The right side of it, at least. Now the colors have all changed.

I continue fiddling with the cube, I think that the point of it is to mess it up and then put it back to having each side be one color again. Shrugging to myself, I decide that it could help pass the time until I arrived at the castle.

Making my way back to my seat, I plop down and continue to fiddle with the cube. Messing it up and then fixing it. The first time it felt like it took ages to figure out, but I'm slowly getting faster, it's actually quite fun! After many quintants, I've finally mastered this colorful cube and am able to fix it within 21 dobosh!

Grinning to myself, I glance upwards to see if I've made it to the Castle yet. All I see is space, still. Wait, there's a planet over there, it looks like it's been eaten by a Weblum. I just hope that the Weblum that ate that planet is long gone.

Just to be safe, a turn on the scanners, searching for any life forms... nothing! Phew, I seriously didn't want to deal with a Weblum. That would've been a hug pain.

Checking the panel once more, I check about how long I've been sailing through space. Seems like it's been about... 17 vargas? Sighing once more, I lean back in my chair, tossing the cube up and down for a moment. I'm kind of sick of messing with it, honestly, but what else is there to do? I glance back at the box, staring at the purple rag/towel.

I suppose I could make a nice blanket out of it and sleep. Nodding to myself, I scramble out of my chair and stumble over it, tripping at one point and slamming my chin on the ground.

"Owwwwww," I groan, rubbing my chin before scowling, sitting up and snatching the rag/towel. Standing up, I stomp over to my chair and angrily sit. Stupid fighter, stupid movement, stupid feet. Why'd I have to trip?

Sighing to myself, I wrap myself up in my rag/towel and try to sleep. That'll pass the time even better than just sitting around with the cube. Closing my yellow eyes, I try to sleep, getting into as comfortable of a position that I can with my huge body.

I'm awoken from my uncomfortable rest by a female voice, she's asking something. Rubbing at my eyes, I stare at the communications console before pressing a few buttons and asking, "I'm sorry, but could you repeat that? I was kind of sleeping."

Looking out the glass to see whatever I was talking to I see... the Castle of Lions! Leaping to my feat, the rag/towel falls to the floor. The woman's voice comes through the speakers once more, "Hello, I am Princess Allura. We are asking if you require our assistance, since it seems that you have stolen that Galra Fighter, trying to escape?" her voice seems to be tinged with distrust, hesitance. I shrug it off.

Grinning, I hastily say, "Yes, I certainly stole this fighter to get away from the Galra, but even more importantly, I stole it to get to you! You do house the Paladins of Voltron as well as the Lions of Voltron, correct?"

"...Yes," the Princess responds. I don't think she knows what to think of this situation.

Taking a deep breath, I question, "Would you mind if I were to board the castle? Or would you prefer to send someone out to pick me up, leaving the ship here?"

"We'll send someone to make sure you are who you say you are," she responds. I don't think she trusts me.

"Got it, I'll be ready for pickup in a tic!" I say, glancing around the fighter to see if there is anything I need. I look at the colored cube, then at the towel/rag. Fiddling with my long white braid for a moment, I question whether or not I want to bring either items. The answer is yes.

I snatch up the rag/towel, ripping it, folding it, and then connecting it to my suit so that it appears to just be a torn shirt and then I grab the cube, shoving it into a pocket that I had built into the shirt. I congratulate myself on a job well done, looking through the glass to see if they've sent out a ship yet...

THEY SENT THE BLUE LION! Leaping up and down in glee, I shove myself against the glass, trying to get closer to her! I can sense the Red Lion inside the Castle as well, I can't wait to say hi to her, plus once I meet the Blue Lion I'll have a connection with two Lions! Though, I'm hopefully going to be able to meet the rest of them once I board the ship.

I head to the back of the fighter, grabbing a space suit so that I can breath and putting it on. I depressurize the fighter as well as remove all the air before opening the hatch and crawling out with ease. Floating over the fighter, I gaze at the Lion as it comes closer, my face practically splitting in half due to the smile I wore.

The Lion's mouth opened, prepared to allow me to enter. Shoving myself away from the fighter, I float into the ship, the mouth closing behind me.

My feet thump against the metal as I'm hit with the artificial gravity. Standing up to my full height, I look down at the two males in the Lion with me. Blue is telling me that the brown haired one is known as Lance while the one with the mullet is named Keith.

I practically rip off my helmet, white braid falling lose of it's confines as I grin at the two males, "Hello!"

Lance stares at me in shock, quickly standing while Keith... well... he holds a sword up to my throat, glaring at me with a ferocity I've only seen in bloodthirsty Galra's.

"You're a Galra," he sneers.

~Hi, I just felt like writing a possible Voltron fanfiction because why the fuck not. Plus, I haven't    had much inspiration of Different Perspective lately soooooo.... PLEASE DON'T KILL ME~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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