Earths cycles

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So i had to do this report for school and need some advice for what i can improve. Soooooooo  constructive criticism is needed so any advice you have, please put down in the comments!


There are four spheres that make up the world we currently know. The Biosphere, the Hydrosphere, the Atmosphere and the Geosphere. Each one of those are vital for any form of life that we are aware of. Without one of the spheres, planet earth would not be habitable. The spheres may seem worlds apart but, they are actually all intertwined. If one of the spheres is to fall, it shall cause a domino effect ultimately, leading to a mass extinction on planet earth. All of earths systems work similarly to a clock. All of the pieces, including the smallest piece that seems insignificant, plays a vital role in the function of that clock. When it comes to the systems, even a small mouse or a measly worm plays a massive role in the survival of the planet. To study the spheres, we look at them separately. When in reality they are all laced together and lean on each other for survival


The biosphere is the ecosystem of planet earth as a whole, which contains all forms of life. For all living organisms, there is a life cycle, Birth, growth, reproduction and death. Every form of life goes through this same cycle but at a different pace. For a fly, its life is usually a mere week. For the great elephant, the lifecycle takes many, many years. Despite the obvious time difference, they go through the same life cycle. In one ecosystem, a forest per say, all of its inhabitants depend on one and other. Without the worms, the grass would not grow. This causes starvation throughout the herbivores that populate that area, thus leading to the carnivores to also starve. To generalize, if a species died in an ecosystem, a domino effect would take place leading to devastation to that ecosystem unless it can evolve to survive without it. It may seem that the dead matter plays no role it the systems survival. In all honesty the dead matter plays a humongous role. Decomposers eat that dead matter, and as everything does, it excretes the nutrients back into the soil, therefore allowing the plants to grow continuing the cycle and allowing the ecosystem to thrive. Like how we organize different kinds of animals, we also have a way to organize living things. On the base of this pyramid is the biosphere considering, it is the ecosystem of the planet earth. Next up is a biome which, is a large group of similar ecosystems. The third thing on this organizer is an ecosystem which is any living and non-living thing in a given area that interact with each other. The next layer is a community. This is a group different species that live together in an ecosystem, as mentioned before. The second to last part is a population which is a group of all the member of the same kind of organism in an area. The very last thing on this list is an individual. As you probably know, an individual is a single living organism. Similar to how the spheres are connected the things in the biosphere are connected as well. The plants are food for the herbivores, considering that is all they eat. The carnivores eat the herbivores. Eventually everything dies, so when life takes its course and the animal dies, its corpse is eaten by a decomposer. The decomposer will eventually excrete waste, which contains some of the nutrients obtained by eating that dead matter, therefore continuing the cycle. As stated in the introductions, all of the spheres are intertwined. For example, in order for all forms of life to survive they need water, which comes from the hydrosphere. The temperature is an important aspect in an environment. If it is to hot or to cold animals cannot live their. The atmosphere protects planet eart from harmful rays distributed by the sun. With out these two sphere, planet earth would not be the one we know and love.


The hydrosphere is all the water on planet earth. This is an extremely important sphere considering all life depends on the access of water. Just like how the biosphere has a life cycle, the hydrosphere has a water cycle. Water is evaporated and taken into the clouds, that is called condensation. What goes up, must come down. Following these rules, eventually the water will come down. This is called precipitation. Water is vital for any form of life to live, yet only 3 percent of water is drinkable for us. The other 97 percent is ocean water which we can not drink. Humans are polluting the water and a dangerously fast pace. The sea life has been majorly effected by people throwing their trash in the ocean. Fish are eating the garbage and dying. Seagulls and other are getting caught in the six pack rings that hold soda cans. We are killing and polluting the little water that we can drink. If we don't change our ways now, we may never be able to turn around and make the right choices. Water is important to the biosphere but, it's also important to all of the spheres. Water helps the weathering of rocks in the rock cycle, thus helping the geosphere. Water vapor in the clouds helps the atmosphere protect the earth from deadly rays produced by the sun. The hydrosphere is vital for all life on earth because of this, we should do everything in our power to protect this sphere.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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